Sunday, April 27, 2014

Ruby's First Communion

For Ruby on the Day of Her First Communion

Yesterday, I met a woman
Who told me
That the world had turned her bitter.

Yesterday, I met a man
Who told me
That the world had turned him hard.

And I understand
The world can be hard
Hurt can turn bitter in our mouths.

You know already, Ruby,
That people can be mean.
You know already, Ruby,
That people can be kind.

You know already, Ruby,
That life gives you choices.
You know already, Ruby,
That choices can be hard.

Yesterday, I met a person
Who told me
That the world was a cruel place.

A place where difference
Is a crime
And hurt the penance to be paid.

A place where kindness
When offered
Is an oasis in the desert of castaway eyes

Today, Ruby, you take
and you make a promise of

Communion with God
Communion with the people of God

Communion with your faith
Communion with your fellows

You taste with your tongue
Your promise

Your promise to be
With God
With People

Your promise to be
The hands of God
The voice of compassion

You promise to
Walk into the desert
With kindness to offer

You promise to
Meet the bitter
With sweet

The hard
with gentle touch
and warm welcome

It is not easy for us, Ruby,
To remember God
In our hearts

It is not easy for anyone, Ruby,
To turn the other cheek
Rather than be the one that strikes it

But I pray, Ruby,
That as you grow
You hold on tight

To the little girl
Who used three year old hands
To help me put the footrests on my wheelchair

To the little girl
Who dropped her change
In the homeless woman's cup

To the little girl
Who super soaked
The crowd at the pride parade

Hold on tight
To the little girl
Who loves to help

Hold on tight
To the little girl
Who is unafraid of diversity

Hold on tight
Don't let go
Of what you know now

You know that
The world is made
Of difference

That the world is made
Of the diversity
Of colour and of texture

That the world is made
By God
Who loves what was made

And you know
that today as you eat
at the table of God

That you promise
To be in Gods world
To do what God puts into your heart

That you promise
To be the oasis
Not the desert

That's a big promise
But you have a big heart
Where God has always lived.


Nicky said...

Love and prayers to Ruby on this very special day.

clairesmum said...

Thank you for sharing this lovely prayer for Ruby...the little girl inside of me wants to believe it is a prayer for her, too....her experience of First Communion was very different.....blessings to all of you on this special day for Ruby.

Belinda said...

SO beautiful Dave, and so fitting with a blog post I will be sharing later today. May I quote some of your piece for Ruby?

Belinda said...

And blessings on your journey Ruby. With a big hug!!!

Anonymous said...

With you and Joe as examples, she has a great start.

Thank you for not letting the hard life you have been given make you hard and bitter.

Instead, like Jesus, you bear it and teach from it.


Karen said...

Your prayer really teared me up Dave. Ruby is a very lucky girl to have such a wonderful strong influence in her life.

Shan said...

"To be the oasis,
Not the desert."


Anonymous said...

Your words for Ruby are beautiful, and meaningful, not just for her, but for everyone. Thank you for sharing them. samm

Gilly said...

Beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Ruby on her First Communion! It is a solemn and important day to be sure, but so exciting as well.

Your "Prayer for Ruby" is an amazing tribute to a beautiful, kind, and loving girl. She is all that is good in the world.


Vicki in St. Marys said...

That is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read.