Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Confessional

Several people have asked about my appearance on the CBC radio's show The Confessional. You can still hear it if you go to their site through the link. There are three stories. I'm the third. Look for Episode 5, Faking It, and hit the play button. I'll let my voice be my blog for the day.


Andrea S. said...

Any transcript? Thanks

Kris S. said...

Thank you so much for providing the link, Dave. What a beautiful story. Good to hear it in your voice, too. It has been too long since I've heard your actual voice.

Princeton Posse said...

Thanks Dave

Deb said...

Oh I *love* what Ruby said, "It's like being hugged by the sun."

Profound wisdom from the mouth of a three-year-old child.

clairesmum said...

it was very powerful to hear your voice...not what i expected..tho what did i expect your voice to sound like...don't really know...and i think you had shared the story on the blog a while ago. I had forgotten it, until you got to your quote of Ruby's fiercely determined pronouncement that you have a name, you are a person, and you are HERS. If I knew the part about the yellow shirt I had completely forgotten it, but it was a very powerful coda to the first story. I could relate to both parts - it has taken me many many years to claim ME for myself, and as someone who always wished to be invisible and who has a BMI that is labeled "obese" I would never wear a yellow shirt! My chosen clothing is drab, bland, or loose fitting to decrease attention and perceived risk. Most of me still prefers the more predictable and familiar reaction to an overweight woman of discounting and desexualizing me, if I am seen at all. I can speak up and be visible if I choose to be, but having control over it all remains paramount. I haven't claimed myself for ME fully...YET. Thanks, Dave and Joe, and Ruby, for helping me keep growing and claiming ME for myself!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to have heard your voice - I don't care if you are Faking it.

It was a lovely interview and story. It makes me smile to think of you sitting in your chair in your yellow shirt.

Karen said...

Now, when I read your blog, I can HEAR your voice speaking those words.

Elan Morgan said...

I just heard you on CBC in Saskatchewan! You were great :)

Unknown said...

I heard you on the radi this morning. Good job. Lots for me to think about.

Unknown said...

I heard you this morning on Confessional. Good job. You gave me a lot to think about. Thank you.

Dave Hingsburger said...

Andrea, I'm afraid that I don't have a transcript of the program. I'm sorry, Dave

The Shorter Bloggess said...

You have a lovely voice. It is very soothing to listen to and perfect for radio.

s.e. said...

I also heard you on the radio this morning. I find it makes people more real to have a voice associated with a name. Now when I read your blog I know what you sound like.