Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A Very Short Story

Her daughter said to her, "You go ahead and get a table, I've got to take a quick trip to the washroom." We heard this because it was said just beside us. The mother being addressed waved her daughter off and then began a very slow walk into the food court. She wore slip on bedroom slippers, she used a walker, and her hair looked like it was just growing back in. She walked slowly and carefully, she smiled at me and said, "Nothing keeps us down and out does it?" I laughed and said, "No, nothing does." She continued on her way.

A couple of young boys (men) of maybe 17 or 18 years of age walked by her and took the table next to her. When they sat, they were looking at her and laughing, the one seated nearest to me said, "Yeah, go to the mall and pick up hot chicks." That broke the other into hysterics.

I turned and said, stonily, "Yeah, go the the mall and pick up an asshole."

I'll let you imagine what happened next.


Unknown said...

Good on you, Dave.


Rachel said...

Well said, Dave. I fear what happens next, though.

Ron Arnold said...

. . . or some asshole tries to pick YOU up. Dudes in cliques don't always recognize their own assholery. Cliques even make it easier. The buffer of the crowd creates asshole magnification.