Wednesday, April 03, 2019

What Happened: In Brief


It's been a rough ride.

I apologize for simply disappearing from this blog.

I've heard from some of you, thank you for your concern.

You were right to be concerned.

I went to bed one night feeling good, feeling strong, having had a good workout and looking forward to the next day.

I got up in the morning in a vastly and impossibly weakened state.


I fell on the floor.

It's all a bit of a blur after that.

I made some bad decisions.

I made some good decisions.

I presented myself to the hospital and about 12 minutes after seeing the doctor I was admitted with an IV bad dripping into my arm.

So much happened there.

So many stories.

No energy to tell them.

Once out of the hospital, I'm going to clinics and having nurses come to my house.

More stories.

Still no energy.

I'm writing this today because I feel a bump of energy this morning and I wanted to use that to update you here.

So many of you have followed this blog since it started.

I wanted you to know.

I do want to come back to more regular blogging. But give me a little time yet. I'm still fighting to get through the days. My health is returning more quickly than my strength or my energy.

Thanks for your patience.


Julie Porter said...

Best wishes for continued recovery! Take care of you, we will all be here when you’re ready.

Louise said...

So very sorry to hear that, Dave. My very best wishes for your swift recovery.

Belinda said...

Thank you so much for letting us know what's happening. It was difficult not hearing but also wanted to respect your privacy. Prayers are going up.

Kake said...

Glad you’re OK, and I hope you continue to become more OK. Thank you for the update.

Unknown said...

So sorry for all your struggles now. Best wishes for a quick recovery.

CapriUni said...


Thanks for the update.

I've been in the hospital twice in the last 5 years, apart from orthopedic surgeries I had as a kid... and I can confirm: the recovery from the recovery takes a while.

But it does happen!

Be patient with yourself in the meantime.

Cammie Mathers said...

Dave I am so sorry to hear your struggling with your health....
Take care of you and we will watch for your updates.....
There is world out here that needs you...I will keep you in my thoughts...

Antonia Lederhos Chandler said...

Antonia Lederhos Chandler said...
I hope that your energy returns, and that you can get back to doing all of the things you like to do when you're feeling well. Hugs to you and Joe. <3

Deb said...

Be good to yourself. Give yourself all the time you need. And thank you for taking the time and energy to update us. I've been checking your blog three times every day!

Debbie said...

Thank you for taking the time (and energy) to update us! I was getting very worried...

Take time to rest and let yourself recover. We will wait as long as you need!


Sabrina said...

Glad you are slowly on the mend. Keep getting well look after yourself and give my love to Joe. Xx

Megan1526 said...

I don't know if this is appropriate to say, but my friend, you better be ok, because after 4 decades of not having you in my life, I'm not willing to lose you again, not for a very, very, long time. I missed you too much the first time! I'm keepin' ya

lexica said...

That sounds scary, Dave. I hope you feel better soon.

Girl on wheels said...

Don’t worry about the blog, just take care of yourself. We’ll all be here when you are feeling more like yourself. Wishing you a swift recovery and all the spoons.

Narelle said...

Thinking about yourself and looking after your health at this point must come first. Your avid readers will be here when you return. Look after you and Joe for now.

Ranvaig said...

I appreciate your posts so much, Thank you. But please take the time you need to recover. I saw from Facebook that you were ill and I've been keeping you in my prayers.


Gabrielle said...

Hoping for the best possible recovery for you Dave!

marcia Love said...

Missed you. We'll be here . . . .

Liz Miller said...

Thinking of you. I had been hoping your blog break had to do with your book project. So sorry that it was due to illness. Sending love.

Liz Miller said...

So sorry that you were ill. I had been hoping you were busy with your book project.

Unknown said...

Dave, thanks for letting us know! Rest and heal!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are on the mend. Missed you and worried about you.

CT said...

Glad to know it sounds like you are on the mend. I hope you take all the time you need.

ella bee said...

Hope you feel better soon

JoyfulGirl said...

Sorry to hear you have been unwell. Best wishes for your recovery.

Rosemary said...

Welcome back, Dave. Sending healing prayers to you. Rosemary

Flemisa said...

So very glad to have you back! Looking forward to your stories but, most importantly, looking forward to hearing you are in full health. Best wishes for you and Joe.

Elaine said...

Will be here when you’re ready....patiently waiting

Amanda RC said...

Please take good care. I'm sorry to hear this.

Rachel said...

I've been concerned! Get well soon!

Kathy said...

I don't think I've ever commented but I'm sorry to hear you were not well. I actually friended you on facebook just to see if there were any updates there. Your blog and observations and writing were missed. Welcome back at whatever speed you are ready.

Ron Arnold said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend!

Lucy said...

Glad to see you back. Please keep taking things at exactly your own pace.

Anonymous said...

Lovely to hear from you. Lots of us were concerned, but also we knew you were taking care of what was most important. I hope your health continues to improve and your energy comes back. And in the meantime, it's good to hear your voice in this blog.