Thursday, June 04, 2015

Wedding Update: Webcast Information

Photo description: Man holding film camera towards viewer.
Wedding Update:

As we have a number of friends and family in different parts of the world, and there are blog readers who'd like to join in on the fun, we have arranged for the wedding to be webcast. So the details are:

Saturday, June 6th at 1:00 pm EST

Please go to and then click on "Live Webcast" from the left hand side of the menu bar at the very top of the MCCT home page.

You'll see a window appear in the middle of your screen and then you can click on the start button to access the Wedding service.

Hope some of you drop in on line and join us.


Rachel in Idaho said...

Eee! So exciting! I will be there in spirit. :)

Andrea S. said...

Congrats once again! So excited for you both!

clairesmum said...

Thanks for the invitation. I'll be on the road and unable to attend, but will be with you in spirit and wish you and Joe every happiness.

Princeton Posse said...

So exciting! Now I just have to figure out what time it would be here so I can tune in. Lots of good wishes for a beautiful day!

jwg said...

I have to work but I will be thinking of you. Will it be available later?

Andrea S. said...

For people unsure about time zone differences, I suggest consulting the online World clock which can help figure out time zones!

Mary said...

People wondering what their local time is: if you type into Google "1pm EST" then if you're in a different time zone (and assuming Google can see your approximate location) it comes up with a box telling you what that will be locally, including whether it's the same day or different.

For me, in the UK, it says

"1:00PM Friday, Eastern Time, is 6:00PM Friday, in (location) UK"

(I am deducing that this means 1pm Saturday will be 6pm Saturday.)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait! So looking forward to sharing in your day from afar.

Anonymous said...

Gah! I hope I can see some of it later!

At 1PM tomorrow I will be sitting at the Folk Music Society picnic - and I can't miss because I'm President, and it's my last day in office and I said I'd be there to run the elections!

If I'd known.

Have the best of days, you two.


Anonymous said...

What a gift you've given us!!!!!
Wishing you and Joe a day full of love in every version imaginable!

Anonymous said...

What a gift you've given us!!!!!
Wishing you and Joe a day full of love in every version imaginable!

Eileen said...

I'm soooo excited, I bet Ruby and Sadie are too. Any wedding nerves yet? X