Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Out But Not Quite Up


Didn't that just knock the stuffing out of me?

Today's my first day up and scheduled to be back at my desk. I'm looking forward to going in, seeing people, and being part of the flow of things at the office. As one might anticipate, I've not been out doing much stuff, or actually, any stuff, so I've not had much to write about.

Well, I'm back and expect to be blogging again, regularly, in a day or two.

Thanks for your patience.


  1. I hope you are feeling better and that trend continues, Dave.

  2. My last colds have kept me down for a week or more. My theory is that we've lived long enough to have already gotten all the milder colds and only the lollapaloozas are left.

    You're doing well to be ready to face the world again in just a few days. Hooray for you!

  3. Glad you'e starting to feel better!

  4. Dave,

    I am glad you are feeling good enough to be up and about again.

    I just wanted to tell you that I missedto hear from you, I did not want to give you any pressure!

    Best wishes

  5. Princeton Posse11 June 2014 at 11:48

    Good to hear from you Dave! Get better quick.

  6. Welcome back to the outside world, Dave. Glad you're feeling better! (And you'll feel even better tomorrow, God willing....)

  7. I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better.

  8. Glad you are feeling better, Dave. I missed you.

  9. So glad to hear you're feeling better. I've been popping in daily to see if you were back. Looking forward to reading your next post, once you've had some "life on the outside" happen to write about!

  10. Thanks for letting us know. I admit, I was getting worried. You are ever so faithful at posting (which we all enjoy). Hope you feel whole soon!


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