Thursday, June 12, 2014

Every Where

We'd just seen a movie and were exiting onto a very busy street. People we swarming every which way. It took me a second to get my bearings, steering a large wheelchair carrying a large me isn't always as easy as it looks. After I got going I noticed a man, a very, very, very, thin man. A tall, thin man. He wore a light blue suit, used a light blue cane, walked in light blue shoes which matched his light blue hat. He walks slowly, very slowly, he looked like a sliver of sky trying to make it's way through a crowd that only recognized clouds.

In the time it took me to fall in behind him he'd been jostled twice by those rushing by. I made my decision when, on the second time, he nearly fell. The blue cane matched his clothes but met his needs and held him long enough for him to get his footing. I pulled up behind him, matched my speed to his. Now, like a breakwater, the flow of people had to go around me and he walked calmly on.

He crossed the street, people now seeing him, tall and thin and very blue, and me, behind, large and squat and very determined. Once across he headed towards the bus stop. Once there, I turned to leave, glad that he'd safely made it there. It wasn't until he spoke that I realized he'd known I was there.

"You find family, everywhere," he said, "Every where."


  1. Oh Dave,

    this post gives the "when I'm feeling blue" a new side...

    I am glad you feel better!



  2. Oh Dave, you made me tear up. So true, so true. Thanx for sharing.

  3. Good to have you back, Dave. :)

  4. Lovely sentiment, and beautifully written, Dave. Especially this: "He...looked like a sliver of sky was trying to make it's way through a crowd that only recognized clouds." I love that. Thank you.

    PS: Glad you're (presumably) feeling better!

  5. It occurs to me that what you did would have been hard for an able-bodied person to do - glad you were there for him.


  6. Oh, my. Delicacy on your part and his.

  7. today's post is perfect example of why i love you so much.

  8. Good to see you're back, Dave. Thanks.

  9. You gave me goosebumps with the beauty of the writing and the generosity of your spirit.


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