Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Street Diagnosis

Overhead while passing by a mother and a young chiild in my powerchair.

"Mom, what's wrong with that man?"

These are the answers I expected to hear:

He can't walk, honey.

Shhh, don't point like that.

He uses a wheelchair to get around.

I don't know, honey, but you shouldn't point at people.

He seems to be having fun, now what do you want to have for lunch.

These are the answers I hoped not to hear:

He's lazy, honey.

He's really fat and can't walk any more.

Be careful of those kind of people, they can be dangerous.

He gave up on himself.

This is the answer I heard:

He's a sinner honey and he's being punished.


Anonymous said...

Old school still prevails - progress is slooow

Leanne said...

Ridiculous. I'm sorry.

Leanne said...

I don't even know what to say to that. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this ignorance.

Jan Goldfield said...

Gotta watch out for those religious zealots. They are the epitome of evil. And sadly, they think that not only are they right, but that everyone should think like them. So damn sorry you had to find one of them.

CapriUni said...

Dear Lord,
Protect me from (some of) Your followers.

No -- Scratch that: Protect me from those who loudly proclaim to be following You, for they have likely gone astray, into the brambles of hatred.

Anonymous said...

He's a really interesting person, honey - and you should go up and say hello. If you're very nice, he might give you a ride on his awesome chair.

Your experiences, reported accurately and with a certain level of compassion, make me despair for the human race.

As a fellow child of a loving God, I hope He will touch her heart before she does any more damage to herself and her child.


Anonymous said...


Rachel in Idaho said...

In my case it was my PARENTS who were the sinners the time I was told something like this. *headdesk*

Anonymous said...

That poor, poor child :(

Ron Arnold said...

The word repent has been hijacked by religion. It's a shame really - because it's a perfectly good word, that has been laden with unnecessary baggage. The word 'repent' literally means 'to think differently.' It's my hope that enough folks reading your blog may come to repent about folks with different abilities . . .

And maybe someday that Mom and Daughter will come to repent as well . . . .

Shan said...


Anonymous said...

I literally face-palmed. Was painful because I forgot I still had my glasses on my head. . .

People always find new and creative ways to say the ridiculously inappropriate.

I fear for the future of that poor child.

Belly (Liz McLennan) said...

Holy crap. Some people are just...asshats.

Anonymous said...

I'm stunned. I have no words. I wish I could give you a hug. samm

Rosemary said...

So very sad.

Andrea S. said...

Wish I knew what to say. What an awful thing to have to hear. What an awful thing to teach to a child.

B. said...

What does 'headdesk' mean?

wendy said...

Just plain awful!

Andrea S. said...

"Headdesk" is sort of an exclamation implying that the person speaking feels almost like they should bang their head against a desk out of frustration or exasperation at things that other people are doing.

Anonymous said...

If ye meet the abased or the down-trodden, turn not away disdainfully from them, for the King of Glory ever watcheth over them and surroundeth them with such tenderness as none can fathom except them that have suffered their wishes and desires to be merged in the Will of your Lord, the Gracious, the All-Wise. O ye rich ones of the earth! Flee not from the face of the poor that lieth in the dust, nay rather befriend him and suffer him to recount the tale of the woes with which God's inscrutable Decree hath caused him to be afflicted. By the righteousness of God! Whilst ye consort with him, the Concourse on high will be looking upon you, will be interceding for you, will be extolling your names and glorifying your action. Blessed are the learned that pride not themselves on their attainments; and well is it with the righteous that mock not the sinful, but rather conceal their misdeeds, so that their own shortcomings may remain veiled to men's eyes.


I am sharing this quote from the writings of Baha'u'llah now because I think you are the downtrodden . . . (although this woman's treatment of you and her daughter is deplorable) - but rather because I believe she is one of the downtrodden - and she is trapped in a mindset that is more odious than the most miserable of prisons. Pray for her release.

Ettina said...

'headdesk' means to drop your head onto your desk is disgust and shock.

Penelope said...

I'm sadly unsurprised. I've even known disabled people who believe their disability was punishment either for themselves or their parents.

While it's not religious, the anti-smoking, texting while driving, drunk driving, etc. advertisements don't actually help at all with this. They also use a "disability as punishment" motif.

Anonymous said...

Major hugs to you, Dave.

And then, **headdesk**.


theknapper said...

omg.....I have no words....

Anonymous said...

Please edit my previous comment: I do not believe you are one of the downtrodden . . .

(should have spell check on this site!)

Molly said...

nope. just..... nope.

Unknown said...

Silly me- I thought your post would end something like- 'There's nothing wrong with him- he just uses that chair to get around (like you use shoes or whatever)- but I am completely gobsmacked (and very sad)

Jayne Wales said...

Oh my god just so dangerous.Gobsmacked

Amy JD Hernandez said...

Ditto the "burning bush" comment. I wonder what that poor kid did to be punished with such an awful parent.

Anonymous said...

I usually do not swear. But I make an exception now:

"What utter shite!"
