Wednesday, April 25, 2007


She was only there for a minute.

The briefest minute.

I was getting ready to do a presentation for staff at an agency in Liberty and was fumbling around with my papers and my ideas. A few staff had straggled in and were taking seats. They were a friendly bunch and we chatted amiably as everyone was settling.

Then in walked what I thought to be two people in twin floral shirts. But no, the shirts were different as were they. One was staff the other a woman with Down Syndrome. The small woman approached another staff and I couldn't see what transpired but I think she gave something to the staff. That done she turned and purposely strode out of the room.

It must have been a nice exchange because the staff had a smile linger on her face for some while after.

But here appearance was magic to me.

The travel is wearing us down and we have a few intense weeks yet before we're home for a full two months. All weekend I had trouble enjoying the time away because it was time away. I wanted just to be home.

I felt like whining.

So I was glad to start the day today because it meant the beginning that would lead to the end - home. And that was it, my motivation. Pretty selfish motivation, but there you have it.

Then she came in.

The she left.

Sometimes when lecturing on the road I never see people with disabilities who are served by those in my audience. They are an abstraction to me. An idea. A ghost.

But she was real. She was there. She existed for me when I needed her.

Now it mattered that we were gathered there today ... there was a real live person in my mind as I presented. And it mattered. And it showed. Today wasn't about me getting home. Today was about her being home. It was about her not living in Liberty but with liberty.

Inspiration can be a woman with Down Syndrome in a floral shirt.

And today it was.

1 comment:

  1. True enough, inspiration comes in many ways, and as long as our eyes and mind are open - I will continue to be amazed and inspired everyday. How lucky am I to do what I do!


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