Thursday, April 26, 2007


I don't know how the subject came up but it did. She was telling me about her daughter who had cerebral palsy and in passing mentioned that her daughter had met her husband, a blind man, on the internet. They'd dated for awhile and then met and married. He moved out to Kansas City and now they live and work in the city.

That's all she said.

Not much of a story for a blog.

But my, oh my.

Two disabled people managing to meet across the miles. Fall in love. Marry.

A tale told by a smiling mom, proud of her daughter,thrilled for her happiness.

Is it my imagination or are parents changing and evolving? Are parents, not all, not every individual, but as a group coming to a greater understanding of what love, relationships, dare I say, sex means in the lives of their children.

Only recently I talked with a mother who was clear, no way would her child ever have sex. No way would she ever let that happen. She had come to a workshop on sexuality and had come to give me the message that no way in hell, no matter what I said, no matter what anyone said, would her child ever, ever, ever have sex.

I have come to see that as the norm. But today, talking with this woman in Kansas City I realized that the day the woman told me of the restrictions on her daughter there were 20 other parents in the room, taking notes, asking questions - trying to figure out how to do best by their kids.

Somethings happening.

Something big.

Hope has expanded hearts.

There was a day I couldn't have imagined the conversation I had today.

"My daughter with cerebral palsy met her husband, who's blind, on the internet."

Yep, somethins happening.

And it's good.

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