Monday, February 18, 2008


I was 'tagged' a few days ago by FridaWrites ... this 'tag' invites me to share about the books that are around me. The instructions:-look up page 123 in the nearest book-look for the fifth sentence-then post the three sentences that follow that fifth sentence on page 123. Now, the book I am reading, "How Long Has This Been Going On?" by Ethan Mordden isn't the book that's closest. I brought "Benighted" by Kit Whitfield along with me on the trip and it's physically closer. So, to follow the rules exactly I will quote from it.

It's quiet as a moon night in here. "I'm sorry," I say, "Your throat will heal up, and you'll be okay. You'll just have a few scars."

Now, Benighted isn't the kind of book that I normally read. I bought it when out with Cousin Christine in Toronto. We had gone to the book store because I wanted her to have a copy of "Good Omens' - the clerk there overheard us and came over and enthused about books with us for awhile. She recommended Benighted, a book about a world of werewolves as an excellent read but also because of it's subtext about diversity, difference and power. She actually seemed to understand about the nature of disability and how it fits into a societal power system. So, I bought the book. (This is why stores should hire staff with a passion for what they do ... they sell unlikely things to unlikely customers.)

The book I'm reading, a gay epic, had it been closest ... would have had the following quote:

"Pack up! It's enough! Do you hear me?"

But it too, isn't my typical type of fiction. I bought it on a visit to Little Sisters, a gay bookstore in Vancouver. The reviews on the back interested me. I typically read either murder mysteries or historical fiction - when I can't find disability literature (the Matthew Shardlake books for example) anywhere. I love books and I love good writing. Having someone spin me a yarn is a wonderful experience. I admire writers who can inform me, inspire me, entertain me. It is such a gift to be able to write fiction that challenges and changes. The book I just finished, "Q" by Luther Bissett about the Reformation and Martin Luther and the formation of the Anabaptists - a 800 page romp through the history of Europe, is more typical of my reads. I also read a fair bit of non fiction too, almost all disability related. I have "Danny: Murder of a Man With Down Syndrome" waiting on my desk. But it's too soon after Brent Martin to even think of picking the book up.

Now, I'm supposed to tag others. I don't like this part. I like to leave it open and tag everyone who wants to be tagged. If you participate - then please - leave a link in the comment section and I'll pop over and visit. I am going to purposely tag Shannon, niece extraordinaire, because I just love her book reviews ... so Shannon, you're it. Remember ... follow the rules - the closest book.

Now this tagged thing has me a bit interested in starting one of my own. I've got an idea for one and I'll fine tune it and spring it on you sometime next week.


Alex said...

I did my best, but I had to break a few rules I'm afraid!

Link here

Cecilia said...

Here's mine! :)

Shan said...

A HA! A meme I can get behind! No more racking my brains to find seven interesting things...just pick up The Penelopiad!

Thanks Dave - I'll write it today and come back with a link.

Shan said...

Okay Dave, here's my post.

Cecilia said...

Dave, you're the first person to comment on my blog! :) Thank you! :) Will you read my new article? It would make me so happy. :) Thanks in advance.
sincerely, Cecilia

Betsy said...

Dave - I think more than a "tagger" you are an "inspirer"

I often read your words, and then have the idea for my post of the day as well.

Today, I wrote about my first experience with someone with Down syndrome.

Joyful Fox said...


You inspire me. 500 posts. What a milestone! I've posted weekly since beginning of November, 2007 - that makes it makes it 14 for me, or so...

My goal, with no date, is to have a blog,one day, but to be a weekly contributor to whateverhesays because it is what ever He says.

I like your blog post too. Never heard of a book report like that before. Could be interesting!

Thanks for the ongoing inspiration, your musings stir deep within.

Glad to be sharing your journey.

Ettina said...
