Monday, December 17, 2007

"Eh, What's That?"

Today is a big day for us. I'm up early due to not be 'into' the North American time zone yet and its too dark out to know what the day holds. We were hit by a huge winter storm yesterday and we stayed in and watch inch after inch after inch fall. At times beautiful. At times frightening. Snow just kept of falling.

Will we get out of the driveway and into the city? That's the question. For me, I'm heading back to work and know I've got lots and lots to catch up on and lots and lots to do. As always my trip meeting others have given me ideas for home - now I have to figure out what's transerrable, what's not. For Joe, however, there is the big medical appointment he's had waiting since we left for England.

Begging, cajoling, nagging, I've been after him to get a hearing test. He has either lost hearing or lost interest in anything much I have to say. Today will tell us that. We both know that hearing is one of those things that make you admit you aren't twenty any more, and we both know that wearing a hearing aid is no big deal. But somehow this is a big deal for Joe and I am, in a gentle kind way of course, making the experience fun by teasing him about it all.

I asked him on the plane on the flight home what he thought the diagnosis was going to be, he said, 'WHAT?" and I was about to repeat myself when he laughed the 'got you' laugh. HA HA Then he said that he figures he's lost hearing but not enough for a hearing aide. Looking at me imploringly he said, "What do you think?" I think he's going to need a hearing aide but I said, "Does it matter?"

"I'm in a wheelchair, you have a hearing aide, big deal."

So today we'll see, if we can get out of our driveway, if Joe's hearing test means we are beginning the inevitable slide which ends as us being dapper elderly gentlemen. Or if that's not possible, a couple of elderly scoundrals who still like it mix it up.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck Today Joe.
At the end of the day, I think you and Dave will make a fantastic pair of elderly gentleman. Hearing aid or not.....

Anonymous said...

Enough of the "old" jokes! My DH has been wearing a hearing aid since he was a boy. Have you turned the telly captions on yet?

Kei said...

Whether you both be dapper elderly gentlemen or a couple of scrappy elderly scoundrels, we still love ya both. Somehow 'Secondhand Lions' comes to mind.

Anonymous said...


In my house it's called "selective listening". Hearing aid or not you're still great.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck Joe!
The amount of snow we got was amazing wasn't it! It snowed for a FULL 12 hours non-stop here in Eastern Ontario! Pretty to watch but a royal PAIN to wheel in!

Anonymous said...

2 words of wisdom for you and Joe when you are old scrappy fun-loving men......SENIORS CRUISE! Mix it up boys!

Anonymous said...

I work for an ENT (ear nose and throat). The most common cause for hearing loss is wax. The doc calls it "homemade ear wax" (The joke does get okd after awhile). But honestly...hearing aids are quite cool. Or you could just make everyone shout. Take care in the snow

Dave Hingsburger said...

Well, it was ear wax ... so no hearing aid - so old age has been fought back and inch or two!!