Friday, June 29, 2018

Right On Time

Today is our 49th anniversary. The date comes from when Joe and I had a 'secret ceremony' led by a Catholic Priest who could have been defrocked for participating in the wedding. No one knew except the small gathering that was there. It was hard going back to work when the ground under my life had shifted and not telling people, pretending that nothing had happened. The silence around our lives was suffocating.

But it had been a beautiful ceremony, in our apartment, and I remember it, every detail of it. I remember Joe's proposal and how amazingly intimate it was. It wasn't one of those wonderful big showy ones, it was quiet and unexpected and terribly, terribly romantic.

The year we count back to is when we were sixteen, meeting in the hallways of Campbell River, and without knowing it at the time, mating for life.

Now, today, we are going for a walk with the girls down on the pathways along the river and into Fairy Lake Park. Kinda funny right. Then we'll have a bite of lunch.

Anniversary dinner is our big tradition. We have hot dogs and potato salad on the deck. We've done this for years and years and years. Joe makes the best potato salad in the land and I'm already looking forward to it.

We don't do gifts.

We don't get each other cards.

We don't have a party.

It's just us, and the girls this year.

We need none of that. All we need is the opportunity to head into another year together. That's the greatest gift we get. Time to be together. That's all we ever wanted. And that gift arrived, this morning, right on time.


  1. Faith Hope and Love, But the greatest of these is Love
    Happy Anniversary to Dave and Joe for loving for 49 years!
    Ann Carrellas

  2. Faith, Hope and Love but the greatest of these is Love
    Happy Anniversary to Dave and Joe for 49 years of love!
    Ann Carrellas

  3. Happy Anniversary dinner.

    It gives me a small measure of comfort that a Catholic priest did what we should all be doing: gave you the blessing for your love for Joe, and his for you, which are God's will.

    The Church has done many things wrong, and it is sad and shameful and scandalous. But we try, and sometimes things are set right. Sometimes we actually follow our Founder.

  4. Dave, that is beautifully written. Your love and commitment come across in abundance. Much love to you both.


  5. Congratulations on your 49th anniversary! hoping this next trip around the sun together has more light than darkness, more joy than sorrow, and the shared pleasures of being alive and in love.

  6. Happy Anniversary, Dave and Joe. May you be blest with many more. Love is all there is. Rosemary

  7. Happiest of anniversaries!


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