Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Powerful Act of Just Living

We arrived at the hotel yesterday after a long ride and were looking forward to getting out of the car and into our room. The lineup to check in was simple and we had our keys in moments. We'd asked for help with our luggage and the porter followed us along towards the elevators. The elevator is at the top of a mucky big ramp and I asked him to go along with Joe and I'd follow behind. He said that he would hurry back to help me up the ramp.

Um, no. I grabbed the handrails on either side and was at the top of the ramp before he had a chance to park the luggage cart. Then he suggested that I go up with Joe and he'd follow. We've had our luggage disappear on us once in a hotel years ago and we never leave it unattended. I asked him to go with Joe and I would follow. He agreed but he had this shocked look on his face.

When the next elevator came I was on it and up to our floor and pushing towards our room. When I got there the door was propped open and he was unloading the last piece of luggage. He turned and saw me and almost jumped out of his skin. "You're here," he said, shocked.

I waited for him to get the cart our of the room so I could enter and we wished him a good night. Joe told me that he was stunned at my ability to get around and to be 'out there alone.' Joe said that I don't really need a lot of help.

He made noises about learning something every day.

And you know what, I hope he did.


  1. Sounds like all 3 men involved had an opportunity to learn something that changes their view of self/other/world.
    Learning opportunity that involved success - much more energy than one of those learning opportunities that is 'learning by making mistakes." Hope the room was accommodating and restful.

  2. We're not packages! And like all adults, prefer doing most of what we can by our ownselves.

    He shouldn't have been learning something new that way.


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