Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Right Now

My wheelchair is broken.

The front right tire needs fixing.

I am frozen.

With worry.

My focus.

My life.

Is on hold.

Can it be fixed.

And when.

There is never a good time.

To lose mobility.

My disability rises.

Slaps me in the face.

And reminds me.

That freedom is a wheel.

And wheels break.


  1. Oh, Dave!

    I know that feeling so well!

    I feel so utterly helpless when my wheelchair is out of service.

    It can be an enormous, complex problem or a simple flat tyre, whatever.

    It means that I am trapped. Until the nice repairperson comes and fixes it.

    My capacity to have an independent life rests on the smooth operation of a set of wheels and various bits of ironmongery. It frightens me to be hit in the face with that reality.

    I hate feeling helpless. I suspect that I am not alone in that.

  2. too bad there is no CAA for Wheelchairs...there's a niche market for some enterprising bicycle geeks to get into...

    hope you are rolling again soon, Dave.

  3. What is CCA? Google didn't find anything that seemed relevant:

    Certified Coding Associate, Corrections Corp of American, Coastal Conservation Association, Certified Crop Adviser, Competitive Carriers Association, Center for Constructive Alternatives, California College of Arts, Cruising Club of American, Childrens Cancer Association,

  4. It's so difficult to have a broken wheelchair, especially if it's an unusual kind that's hard to get fixed. Last time my wheelchair had something seriously wrong with it, the company gave me a temporary chair to borrow - it was too big, too heavy, like a hospital wheelchair. Very difficult to go anywhere in.

  5. Oh no that's must feel like you've gone back in time a couple hundred years.

  6. Of definately. My husband has become disabled over the lasst few month, and suddenly, until we move, he is imprisoned at home almost all of the time.


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