Sunday, May 08, 2016


It seems like forever since I've written a post. I'm sorry. I try to write here daily and document stories from every day life. I've had a lot of stories but haven't had much of the way of energy in writing them. I'm on my first long lecture/consulting tour of the year and a week ago I got hit hard, really hard, with gastro-intestinal issues that have persisted and have plagued me for the whole trip. I've been getting through the word days, carried on by the passion that it requires to give a training that you care about and depending on the distraction caused by work to take my mind away from not feeling well.

So, won't be much here today, just a quick catch up to let you know that as soon as I have the energy, I'll be back, with stories to tell.


  1. Sounds miserable - traveling for work while under the weather is no fun. Feel better!

  2. Take your time sir David, and sending wishes for you to get well!

  3. A gastro bug while traveling..and a work schedule that is not flexible, given the fact that you are speaking at carefully scheduled conferences....that's a big challenge....take care, Dave. Clairesmum

  4. Hope you are feeling better, Dave!

  5. Hope you feel better soon, Dave.

  6. I hope you feel better soon and regain energy abundant! You are loved and cared about!

  7. Thank you Dave for your time today. It gave me a clearer view of how my supports can be changed to better support those we serve. I feel honored to have met you!

  8. Sending you healing support from afar. I miss your words but appreciate that wellness requires time and focused energy.

  9. Gastrointestinal issues are so totally unpleasant. Especially when you're not at home.

    Please, if it lasts, get checked out.

  10. I hope you feel better soon! It's never fun to be sick, but even harder when traveling.

  11. Dave, that sounds awful. I'll keep you in my prayers. Hope you feel better soon.


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