Sunday, June 07, 2015

The Hitching of Dave and Joe

For those who were not able to watch on line. Apparently there was some kind of problem with the webcasting. But here's the video anyways. (Transcript published yesterday.)

At one point in the service the minister asks us to answer the question: What advice would you give to couples? He asks this because, as he says, after us being together for 46 years there's no real point to a sermon full of advice. Here's what happened.

Joe said that he isn't good at off the cuff kind of remarked but he (point to me is) so I'll let him do this. I joke, 'That's what you do to last.'

Then I said something like: If you want to have a relationship that lasts you need to understand that no matter how much you love the person now, that person will change over time. I feel like I've had serial monogamy with the same person. Joe isn't, now who is was at 16, nor am I, we're both grateful for that. Because if Joe was still that 16 year old, I'd be bored out of my mind. I loved the 16 year old but I REALLY love the 62 year old. So if you want it to last you need to enjoy watching your partner grow and your partner needs to enjoy watching you grow.

Or something such.

We are off for a couple of days!


  1. Thanks for this second chance to view your nuptials (I was one of those who couldn't get the webcast to work)! What a beautiful ceremony.

    The sound levels fluctuated, unfortunately, so thanks for the transcript, because I would have hated to have missed the story of Eric and Peter.

    All the blessings!

  2. Rachel in Idaho7 June 2015 at 13:40

    Thank you so much for posting this - I was going to give you a few days before asking if it was possible, as I am one of the people who missed it yesterday. How lovely a way that was to start off my day! Huge virtual hugs to both of you.

  3. What a lovely, lovely wedding! Congratulations and mazel tov to you both!


  4. Another one here, so thank you so much for putting the video up!

  5. That was awesome - I watched the whole thing with a big smile on my face, happy that at least in some ways, the world is coming to its senses. How can we do other than celebrate the kind of commitment that already put in 46 years, and is going for far more.

    Thanks for the annotations - I couldn't quite hear what Joe said when the minister asked for your advice.

    Loved your 'Just Married' sign - and seeing the girls (and boots).

    Thanks so much for sharing - and have a wonderful honeymoon.


  6. Many congratulations to you both on this very blessed day! Thank you for so openly sharing such a special time with us all!

  7. Great! So much more meaningful than the "white weddings" I usually attend.


  8. Thank you for sharing the video, I wanted to watch and couldn't yesterday. It would have been a shame to miss this. At one point you, Dave, reach out for Joe's shoulder. That moment alone was worth watching. And of course, watching the flowergirls! And the Just Married sign. I hope you are enjoying your honeymoon,

    This was the first time I saw a same-sex couple married. Hopefully it won't be the last.

  9. Thank you for sharing! It was such a beautiful ceremony!

    Debbie (NJ)

  10. Thanks for this. Tried to watch it Saturday but couldn't find the link to watch.
    Your girls are precious.

  11. OMG! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you both. Extra reason to do lunch!

  12. OH MY!!!!! Congratulations!!


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