Monday, June 22, 2015

Blog Update

First I need to apologize for not posting for the last week without notification to the many faithful readers of this blog. I am being pulled in many directions, right now, for my time and energy, I'm afraid in that tussle, time for updating Rolling Around in My Head has simply not been there. I don't anticipate being able to get back to writing regularly for a few weeks yet. So, see you in early August.


  1. I'm just glad to know there isn't a more serious reason for your absence. Do whatever you need to do, I (along with many others) will look forward to your eventual return when you feel you have time and energy, otherwise I hope you at least enjoy the many things pulling you in multiple directions!

  2. Thanks for letting us know you are ok. Good luck with whatever is occupying your time.

  3. Stay well.

    Your readers will be pending - when you have the time. I'm sure you'll come back full of stories.


  4. Thanks for letting us know! Look forward to catching up in August!

  5. Hope your summer is productive and also relaxing, Dave. I am also looking forward to catching up with you once you are not juggling quite as many plates.

  6. I will miss you and your writings! I'll check every day anyway. :) samm

  7. Like others I was a bit concerned and so glad that it is just "busyness" that stopped the flow. You have been so faithful in posting you can understand our worry. Yeah for the break. Look forward to hearing from you later in the summer.

  8. I was hoping it was a surprise honeymoon. See you when we see you!

  9. Princeton Posse23 June 2015 at 12:14

    Whew, I was wondering what was up. Take your time, lots of sun to enjoy!

  10. It's your thing - do what ya wanna do - I can't tell ya - who to sock it to . . .


  11. Rachel in Idaho23 June 2015 at 22:05

    I figured you were off being married. I know you guys have been together for years but what better excuse to take some time off than being newlyweds? :) We'll be here whenever you are able to get back.

  12. Ditto to all the above......I too was thinking honeymoon.....cant wait to hear what's filling your time. Take good care.

  13. Your choices....thanks for letting us know. Sending good thoughts. Take good care.

  14. I so know what that tussle of "too much" feels like. We'll all be here when the dust settles and I'm glad you know that.

  15. I hope the pulling is in good, fulfilling directions!

  16. Hello Dave Hinsburger,

    I'm writing on behalf of Blackbird Digital Books, a publishing company based in London.

    One of our authors, Diana Morgan Hill, has written a book called Love & Justice. It details how she became (and later dealt with being), a double-leg amputee after falling beneath a London train. It is a novel, ultimately, about finding love and justice as a disabled woman.

    We were wondering whether you would be willing to do a piece on the book, to read and review for your blog therefore? (I understand that you are not able to post anything until August, which is absolutely fine). It is a novel which we believe many with disabilities (particularly those which effect mobility) would relate to and enjoy. The book is an inspiring read, which motivates. It puts forward the idea that disabilities are not a barriers, but simply obstacles one can overcome and deal with.

    If you would like to learn more about the author and book before you decide what you want to do, we have a webpage you can visit: The main email address for Blackbird Digital Publishing is: blackbird.digibooks/at/

    We would be happy to provide you with a copy of the Ebook to read.

    We hope to hear from you soon.


    Blackbird Digital Books

  17. Thanks for letting us know. I just kind of assumed you and Joe would take a honeymoon. I hope the pulling is all good.

  18. Dear Dave,

    just want to tell you, that I miss your posts every morning. You are not forgotten!


  19. Happy Confederation Day, Joe and Dave.

  20. Like many others, I keep checking to be sure I haven't missed anything. I hope you have having a great time!

  21. Hi Dave, I love your writing and hope you are doing okay. <3

  22. Miss you all the time. Happy you are drawing boundaries and making whatever choices you need to.


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