1st cartoon -- A Martian and Earthling are at a "Universe Education Summit;" the Martian is speaking: "Let me get this straight: You label certain kids, and take them away from other kids, and call that 'special?' Then you group those kids by their labels and call that 'individualized?' What planet are you from?"
2nd: A wheelchair user stuck at the foot of a flight of stairs. A sign reads: "Way in: everyone welcome!"
3rd: A wheelchair user stuck at a curb with no curb cut labeled "PREVAILING ATTITUDES." while two able-bodied men talk about him. Man #1: Now what's his problem? Man #2: I can't imagine. It's a very small step.
4th: A woman in a motorized wheelchair sits between two possible entrances to a building. The door labeled "Suicide Prevention Program" is blocked by a set of stairs; the door with a wheelchair access ramp is labeled "Assisted Suicide."
5th: A large group of identical men in identical business suits is standing shoulder to shoulder, several deep. The man front and center says: "Remember, gentlemen, we believe in inclusion!"
6th (last) An able-bodied woman in professional dress is pointing to a sign which reads: Normality Training: How to stop upsetting people by looking disabled" A white woman with CP and a black man with dark glasses and a white tipped cane look on. The woman says: "Be normal -- But what makes you think we want to lower our standards?!"
Great cartoons, Dave. I support your terrorism protest. Colleen
Sometimes all you need is a Like button - Like!
These are great, Dave ... But without descriptive captions (or an alt text in their URls), this post is inaccessible to visually impaired readers.
Here's my attempt:
1st cartoon -- A Martian and Earthling are at a "Universe Education Summit;" the Martian is speaking: "Let me get this straight: You label certain kids, and take them away from other kids, and call that 'special?' Then you group those kids by their labels and call that 'individualized?' What planet are you from?"
2nd: A wheelchair user stuck at the foot of a flight of stairs. A sign reads: "Way in: everyone welcome!"
3rd: A wheelchair user stuck at a curb with no curb cut labeled "PREVAILING ATTITUDES." while two able-bodied men talk about him. Man #1: Now what's his problem? Man #2: I can't imagine. It's a very small step.
4th: A woman in a motorized wheelchair sits between two possible entrances to a building. The door labeled "Suicide Prevention Program" is blocked by a set of stairs; the door with a wheelchair access ramp is labeled "Assisted Suicide."
5th: A large group of identical men in identical business suits is standing shoulder to shoulder, several deep. The man front and center says: "Remember, gentlemen, we believe in inclusion!"
6th (last) An able-bodied woman in professional dress is pointing to a sign which reads: Normality Training: How to stop upsetting people by looking disabled" A white woman with CP and a black man with dark glasses and a white tipped cane look on. The woman says: "Be normal -- But what makes you think we want to lower our standards?!"
I'm saving the assisted suicide graphic... Don't be surprised if you see it show up on my fb sometime. Nice concise way of saying what always takes me a million words to express!
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