Sunday, December 21, 2014


Today is my 62nd birthday.


These days 62 isn't considered very old. But for me, it's a miracle. Eighteen years ago I had my first of two catastrophic illnesses. I still remember the doctor telling me that I probably would not survive and that I'd best make sure that my affairs were in order. When your life expectancy shrinks to days and hours from decades and years, your perspective changes. Really changes.

This happened again, ten years later, and again I was asked to prepare myself for the ultimate farewell. It was then that I plotted out what I wanted to do if I survived. My career path completely changed as a result and my focus and goals were redefined.

Leaving the hospital, that I'd walked into, in a wheelchair meant only one thing - I was leaving the hospital. Joe and I worked together to incorporate this new reality into our life and, for the most part, succeeded. I see him and our life together, differently, because of these experiences.

I've had 'happy birthday' sung to me several times in the days leading up to my actual birthday. And, I realize, it is just that: a happy birthday. I'm glad to be here, I'm glad to have time to work on things that matter to me, I'm glad for each day that Joe and I have with each other. I'm glad of it all.

So today I'm 62.

And I couldn't be happier to be here, celebrating the day and giving thanks that I've been given two second chances.


  1. Happy Birthday :)

  2. Congratulations! I hope you have a marvellous day and that 62 treats you well.

  3. A very Happy Birthday to you - and MANY MANY more.


  4. A very happy birthday to you and I wish you many more.

  5. Happy birthday - here's hoping for many more in good health with a productive, enjoyable life. I rarely comment but read you daily and find your words inspiring for their sensible compassion. You make an impact in a lot of lives!

  6. Happy birthday!! I am glad you are here and wish you many more very happy years. :)


  7. Lovely Post Dave....Happy Birthday!

    Nice to be born on 21st December, being Winter Solstice! Glad you have a good day!

    Love Linda ( LinMac in Dublin)

  8. Happy birthday, Dave. Second and third chances -- miracle upon miracle!!
    Thank you for all that you have given us.

  9. Happy Birthday.
    Just be glad I can't and wouldn't sing for you as my rendition is horrid.
    Hope the year ahead is outstanding. So glad to know that you are doing the things you wanted to do after two serious wake up calls. Fight on and enjoy each victory - both large and small.

  10. Happy bithday Dave,

    I am sooooo glad you are still enjoying yourself on this planet!

    Big hug
    Julia :-)

  11. Happiest birthday wishes!

  12. Happy 62 and continued fulfillment!

  13. Happy Birthday!

  14. I haven't been in here in a while, but I wanted to wish you a belated Happy Birthday. It's wonderful that you're here and that you have created this place for us to listen, share, and learn. I wish you many, many more birthdays to come!


  15. belated wishes for a happy birthday and a happy and healthy year to come!


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