Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I'm Here

I've received a couple of comments from people worried about my lack of posts over the last few days. I am fine. However, I'm a bit blocked with blogging. I want to write about something, tell the whole tale, but even the idea of the task exhausts me.

One problem I have with living life as a disabled person who has committed himself to advocating regarding issues of access and issues of attitude is that there are constantly access and attitude issues to be dealt with. It can wear you down doing it.

I'm worn down.

I'll write the experience in a day or two when I can muster up the strength to write it. I'm also stuck because I don't usually name places where I've had bad experiences, not wanting to use my blog that way, but I'm not sure I can do it without naming names - this adds to my concerns about telling the story.

Trouble is - while there are other things happening that I could write about. This one has me weighted down.

So give me a day or two.


  1. Thank you for letting us know you were ok. You'll know when the time is right for your story.

  2. Ugh. Sorry, Dave.

  3. Praying for you - if that's okay. It is tough being an advocate - I have a big one to do there, and it is going to require a huge effort, but it is important, and it has to be done just right - and I keep postponing it.

    Be well, my friend - I keep thinking how much better I'll feel when it's all over, except that it has an explosive potential - and I have no energy.


  4. Princeton Posse15 July 2014 at 14:49

    Take care of yourself Dave, we can be patient. Keep cool...

  5. I'll be waiting patiently. I love your blog, your ideas, your stories. They make me think, and sometimes change. That's good! I always miss your writing when there's no new post, but I admire hugely how often you do write something new! Take a break. Rest up. Recharge. Feel strong. I will keep a lookout for the next post. It will be worth the wait, I know. samm in Welland

  6. You are always missed--and I too, am so sorry for the curve that was thrown this time.

  7. Your blog, your voice...your choices....letting regular readers know you are not ill shows your kindness and concern for others....take good care of yourself, Dave.

  8. Dave,
    Hello. I’ve been reading your blog now for several years. I like to start my day with your words, your wisdom. Some days you make me laugh out loud. Some days my eyes well up. The days I like best are the days when you make me stop and question things I think or feel. On a few occasions, I’ve recognized my actions in situations similar one you witnessed or faced and have felt my face flush with embarrassment. I must have seemed like such an ass…
    I’m not writing this to make you feel stress or pressure. Not my intent at all. Yesterday, I read this post and thought, okay, Dave needs a break. With nothing new today, I reread this post. The words, “I’m worn down,” jumped off the page. And I wanted to build you up.
    Your words inspire. They chronicle valuable histories ignored by the mainstream. They teach vital lessons. Your words are worth waiting for – however long it takes. Thank you for all you’ve shared. I am a better person for it.

  9. Things like that happen. Sometimes we need to listen to how we feel. Be well!


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