Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Yesterday I noticed a coffee and tea shop that looked both lovely and cosy, I suggested to a very willing Joe, that we head in. The ramp up was unusual because it was built with a curve in it and the railings were like you'd see around widow's peaks at the top of old houses. I managed the curve and then the turn. We got into the building just fine. We ordered our tea and then were given the option of sitting up front near where most customers were sitting or in the sitting area in the back.

We went to the back. There were tables and chairs and sofas and a sense of calm and quiet. Gregorian chant played quietly in the background, and we sipped our tea and chatted about the events in the day. It had been a good day because I'd had a good audience, all 200 or them, who made me feel welcome and who listened with interest and asked questions with passion. It felt good. So we chatted about the day and the conversations had.

We chatted through our day off, the one between lectures, and what we would do. Ideas came and went, slowly a set of plans began to form. Soon our cups were empty and we were on our way. We told them how much we enjoyed this little oasis in our day and we were invited back. It's already on our plan so we said we'd see them again.

On the way out, we encountered a problem. The ramp worked fine for turning up and right, it wasn't doing well with turning left and down. My back wheels simply clearing the space. I was full of calm from the music and from the gunpowder tea, so I tried a few times, finally managing it. Had I been in a different mood or a rush, this could have been disaster. But the place had been peaceful, we had been made welcome, we left well suited for the challenges that would come.

An Oasis in my day. 

I need more.


  1. Sounds wonderful!

  2. Mmmmmmmm... My kind of oasis! The place sounds lovely and I'm so happy that you were well received. I'm an Orange Oolong tea person myself. :) samm in welland


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