Friday, June 13, 2014

New Tool Available: Blog Announcement

New Tool Available

The Tool for Assessing Levels of Knowledge - Home Alone (TALK - HA) was developed because of a request made of the clinical team at Vita. One of our members wanted to have time, at home, alone. A simple request from someone who has nearly always required 24 / 7 support for a bit of independence a bit of privacy. The question simply became 'does this person have the skills to be on their own and if they don't what skills would we need to teach?' Thus the TALK -HA was born. The goal was to develop a tool that could specifically pinpoint areas of training necessary for an individual to be able to have time alone. As the assessment was being developed it was recognized that this could be used in a variety of different ways to meet different needs. Vita Community Living Services along with The Center for Behavioural Health Sciences worked as a team to create this document and, again, agreed to make it available, freely to those would feel that the tool may be helpful in their work to support people with disabilities to live the most freely and most independently that they can.

To recieve a copy, please email and ask for the TALK-HA and it will be sent to you.

Dave Hingsburger
For the authorship team headed by Donna Lee

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