Sunday, May 11, 2014

On A Wing and A Prayer

Yesterday, in San Francisco, we went down into the Fisherman's Wharf area. We had some shopping to do and wanted to do it somewhere that just simply screamed "YOU ARE IN SAN FRANCISO!!" Both of us enjoyed the entire day yesterday. We enjoyed being back in a city we've visited so often and a city that we weren't sure if we'd see again. Some of you will remember that I had to cancel my trip to the United Kingdom this year because of some health complications and the resulting need for treatment. My heart near broke to let so many people down. I was downcast for weeks because, besides letting people down, there were people who I was so looking forward to seeing. It was a dark time indeed.

I was reassured that I'd be able to travel again.

But it's hard to hear reassurances when fear and doubt do battle with hope.

Getting on the plane, landing, getting into the rental car, driving to the hotel - all normal things became almost new again. And, I suppose they are. I am experiencing this trip, one of thousands, as brand new. It is the new start to the next part of my career. The first day of the rest of my life - there's something that I understand in a very real way.

So today we travel up to where we will be working for the week. We have the weekend back in San Francisco and then we travel up to where we will be working the following week. It's all laid out neatly for us, arranged for us by wonderful people who are even getting a kettle for me to use.

In the midst of all this, Joe has to put on his nursing cap, and follow through with care for me, as my treatment is still ongoing, but that's OK. There has been much progress and while I'm still healing, the best news is, oddly, I'm still healing.

We've got Wing Lum's Chinese food left over in the fridge.

We've wandered down Polk Street, the street where we hung out on many vacations.

We've seen Alcatraz, and it never looked more Alcatrazian as it did yesterday.

Because we were back.

In every way possible.

We are back.


  1. Doesn't life let you have some great surprises? Reason for living rather than despairing!enjoy every moment. You were so missed but glad things are looking up.

  2. We live in rural California. One of my favorite things to do is explore the city! I love the hustle and bustle and all of the energy. I went there a lot as a teen and it always the perfect place for a date and a bit of romance. Now that I have aged a bit I love taking the kids in my world for a whirlwind adventure weekend in San Francisco. Since we live in such a ridiculously rural area I think it is important to expose these guys to something different. My hope is that when they get older they will be willing to experience new things and lose some of the fear that can be so pervasive when kids from the country try something new.

  3. I should clarify that the Wing Lum is NOT wheelchair accessible. We call our order in and pick it up. Joe goes and gets it ... or they bring it to the car.


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