Friday, May 30, 2014


On June 15th a new web based publication will be released. This one called: Executive Functioning: A newsletter for senior leaders in human service organizations, is aimed at, well, senior leaders in human service organizations. Like Service, Support and Success: The newsletter for direct support workers, it aims to present information in a fun, easy to read style, about issues of importance to senior leaders. This publication will come out every 3 to 4 months and will be available for free by subscription. If you are interested in receiving the inaugural issue you can do one of two things.

1) email and request the first issue - then you can decide to subscribe or not
2) simply subscribe now

Please let me know which you'd like.

Subscriptions, or single copies, can be requested from

Today's post follows ...


  1. Subscription for me too please, Dave!!!

  2. I would very much like a subscription to this!




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