Friday, November 01, 2013

Joe's Treachery: A Movember Story

Today I am on my way to becoming a mysterious mustachioed men. I am about to become SEXY! This is the first of Movember ... that month of a year where men grow moustaches to raise funds for research into and education of men's health issues. Anyone who read the piece I wrote for AASECT (American Association of Sex Educators Counsellors and Therapists) about my right testicle knows why this is important to me. So I'm joining in this year. Not as part of a group, just me. And maybe a few of you.

Before telling you how you might want to help out, let me tell you what Joe thinks of this. When we first got together, back when we were in high school, we were both experimenting with different 'looks'. I decided that I liked mutton chops so I grew a beautiful pair. Right down to my jaw and covered much of my cheeks. I was proud of them. I'm not joking, I was.

Joe hated them from the start. Made jokes about them. Pled with me to shave them off. But no! I was my own man and I liked them. One night, in bed, I fell fast asleep. So deeply asleep that I didn't hear gentle, quiet snipping sounds, I didn't feel hair falling all over my pillow and sheets. I woke up, got up for a pee, saw myself in the mirror and screamed. He'd cut off one of my mutton chops. He was convulsed in laughter, it was infectious, I started laughing too. After all he's the one who has to look at me most often.

This time I consultold (that's word that should exist, it's a combination of consulted and told) Joe about my wanting to participate in the month. He knows why this matters to me. I'm assured my moustache won't be trimmed at night. I believe him primarily because he knows I'm no longer a sound sleeper.

So, if you want to join me by making a donation just go to the Movember page and click on donate and follow the prompts to make a donation. I've not filed with them or done anything official, it's all to confusing for me. Maybe my MO will make me mo efficient.

So join in! For two reasons: It's a great cause and I'd surely appreciate it.


  1. Could you link to the story about your right testicle? I'm curious.

  2. I'm one of those women who could join in... without attention to facial hair, I soon develop a moustache... but phew this is a man's thing so I take it that there's no expectation that I should.

  3. Hey Dave, Get pictures! Several of the fellows are growing for the cause. We are getting pictures to mark their progress.

  4. I usually wait till the end of the month and then donate for a few friends on the condition they shave them off!

  5. Wow, I don't think I knew that you and Joe met that young. Would you ever consider sharing the story of how you met and fell in love? Given how secretive you had to be back then, how did you each let the other know of The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name?


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