Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Service, Support and Success: The Direct Support Professional Newsletter

This month's issue is now out. Due to computer problems it was a day delayed in being sent to subscribers. The topic is Cognitive Ramping: Plain Language and Accessible Communication ... if you want this issue please email me at . Please indicate if you want only this issue or if you want to subscribe to this free newsletter. Requests must come to the email address in order for the issue to be sent to you, requests left in the comment section or sent to my home address can not be processed. Enjoy!

Today's post follows ...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the newsletter.

    I don't have much contact with people with intellectual disabilities (I don't get out much at all because of MY physical disabilities), but I read to become more educated.

    Your newsletter says: "Often people with intellectual disabilities are listening to repeat, not listening to comprehend. They know the question is coming, they know they have to pay attention to your words, so they simply ‘learn’ the answer. We all know, from personal experience that ‘learning the answer’ isn’t the same as ‘learning’ at all."

    I hadn't ever thought about that - you make things seem so sensible and obvious, but they aren't.

    An extension of active listening - and a reminder to REALLY listen. Makes a lot of sense - but sense is quite uncommon.



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