Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Service, Support and Success ... Out Today

Service Support and Success, the direct support staff newsletter has just be e-published. This month's topic is 'willie wellness' and was written after research showed that men with disabilities often didn't get excellent care regarding personal health issues regarding their genitals when they had primarily females staff (I think they assumed, and probably incorrectly, that it would be better with male staff). So this issue looks at information you should know if supporting men with disabilities. It is available by emailing me at dhingsburger@vitacls.org ... if you want that SINGLE issue please indicate, if you want a free subscription ask for the issue AND a subscription. Back issues can be seen at www.vitacls.org

Today's post follows ...


  1. I received this today working at home. On a lark I tried the self examination and I think I've found something. I called my doctor in a panic, described what I found and what the article said and I'm going in this afternoon. You may have saved my life. I'm commenting here rather than sending an email in order to maintain my privacy.

  2. Anon, I hope that all is well with you. I've been thinking of you ever since I read your comment. Really, really hope all goes well with the doctor.


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