Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Media is Relentless in the Search for Truth

I have been interviewed any number of times over the years. I've been asked hard questions, personal questions, philosophical questions. I thought I was prepared for anything.

Then ...

The phone rang.

Ruby's small voice told me that she wanted to interview me for a school project. A school project! She's in Grade One! Anyway the project was to interview someone who is a community helper. Ruby thought of me and the interview began.

I was asked where I worked.

"Vita," I said.

"What do you do there?"

"I help people with disabilities."

"How do you help people?"

"I teach them things."

"Do you work on a computer?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you chat with people?"

"Yes, I have meetings."

"Do you teach people in the community about disability?"

"Yes, I do, I teach people all over the world."

"Um ..." here it seems she'd run out of questions, then, the big one ... "Do you get paper cuts some times?"

A question I'd never been asked before - I admitted that I do sometimes get paper cuts.

You heard it here first!

I feel so exposed ...


  1. That was the best laugh I've had for weeks!!! Such in depth reporting!! Look out New Yorker and McLean's!! Thanks for being so willing to be so open!!

  2. I love it! I had a little boy ask me whether I liked cabbage in a similar situation! Very relevant to the interviewer and their readership.
    Just hope that does not bring you into any public sensationalism especially now you are doing your TV pilots?!

  3. Well I never!
    You need to be careful about this type of information circulating when you are about to be a TV star.

  4. bahahaha paper cuts. If that was the worst thing you had to experience at work you'd be laughing!

  5. My nephew interviewed his Oma who had been interned in a Japanese camp in Indonesia during WW2. She was a teenager at the time.After questions about the food and the games she played he asked...'Where did you go for your holidays?'

  6. Way to keep it real, Ruby!!! :) Hahhahaha! Such a cutie! Make sure she adds the interview to her portfolio for when she lands a job with 60 Minutes. The sky is the limit!

  7. Watch out for journalists!! They can reallly twist the story around!!!

  8. Ha ha! Paper is the killer of us all. :)

  9. LOL, what a questing mind! Good for you Ruby! Honesty in reporting.

  10. I hope no one has a secret video of you getting a paper cut that they might sell to gawker.com and will cost you 200K to get a look at :) Ridiculous!

  11. This brings back memories of interviewing (and, as it turns out being interviewed by) a man with intellectual disabilities in the early days of my current job. After I had asked the fellow a series of questions about home and work, he looked very serious and said, "Can I ask you a question?" "Of course!", I said, while taking a big mental gulp. His question: "What kind of pop (=soda in Michigan-speak) do you like?"


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