Thursday, January 31, 2013

Canadian Weblog Award Honours Rolling Around In My Head

Rolling Around in My Head has won first place in the Disability Category. The Canadian Weblog Awards are a juried award and I would like to thank them for the honour. I would also like to thank them for dealing with the concerns raised last year about how disability blogs would be included.

2012 Canadian Weblog Awards winnersI believe that when the jury looked over this blog they took into account the comment section, so I thank you all for your comments and always lively and respectful discussion.


  1. Let me be the first to congratulate you Dave. Rolling Around in my Head continues to be the first thing I read every morning and helps keep me focused on what is truly important.

    I don't often take part in the lively discussion in your comments section although I do read it. I often link to your blog on my Facebook page as you typically say things much better than I could ever hope to. Your passion and your voice affect more people than you could ever know.


  2. Thank you Celine, I really appreciate the feedback and I admit that I was pretty chuffed about winning the award.

  3. You deserve it for countless reasons - including the fact that you are the only person I know who can correctly use the word 'chuffed' in a sentence :)

  4. Congrats on this award! Well deserved!

  5. Congratulations on the award, Dave! It's so nice to see such a fabulous writer and a good person receiving much deserved recognition.

  6. Congratulations Dave! At least I made it into the first three to congratulate you for this well deserved win! This is a read I never miss unless circumstances are extreme! Your posts are thought provoking, thoughtful and challenging--not to mention well written.How awesome that you won.

  7. Congratulations and well-deserved!

  8. Congratulations! You certainly deserve this!

  9. Let me say it once more: Sincere congratulations!! :)

  10. I was one of the jurors for these awards and was DELIGHTED to see your blog on the list and that you won!! You were not one of the blogs I was asked to vote on, but you know I'd have voted for you, right?


  11. Congrats!! You completely deserve this! Thanks!


Thank you for your comment. Disagreement with the blog post and heated debate about issues raised are welcome. However, comments which personally attack or bully another or comments which are not relevant to the blog post or the blog theme may be removed.