Sunday, January 27, 2013

Canadian Gothic - just for fun

Canadian Gothic

(picture description: two older golden labs, one wearing a pick toque and one a blue toque. They are sitting in front of a wire mesh fence and lots of snow)

I don't know where this came from and who to attribute it to ... but on a cold day here in Toronto it struck me as really, really funny. It is not my intention to violate any copyright, let me know if there is a problem and I will take the picture down immediately.


  1. lovely Dave...and they don't look like they are worried about messing up their hair :)

  2. made me laugh out loud. Thanks Dave

  3. Hi, these two golden retrievers are my dogs Chloe (12.5 yrs) and Forrest (11 yrs). We are from Halifax, NS and the photo was taken in Apri 2012. Glad you enjoyed the photo I took of my loveable and accommodating furry companions! :) ~ Elizabeth Gaudreau


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