Tuesday, June 26, 2012



I've experienced pain in my life, but there is pain that I'd thought I'd simply avoid. And I have for almost 60 years. I've heard of this kind of pain, I gather it's common, but I thought I'd skip through life uninjured. Until yesterday morning.

I was being led by my DVD from the Chair Aerobics for Everyone series called, Wheelchair Workout. I've done it for years now - sometimes more off than on. But yesterday, when reaching forward to set down a barbell (I've increased the weight of the barbell two times since beginning) I wasn't paying full attention. It fell silently and suddenly a pain shot up from my foot and echoed in my head. Yikes, I have a complicated relationship with pain in my feet to begin with. I feel too much, I don't feel enough, the signals are all mixed up - but this signal of a huge weight smashing into the top of my foot wasn't complicated at all.


Spell check says that's not a word but then spell check doesn't have feet.

Immediately I called out for Joe, I exercise in the very early morning and I needed him to take a really good look at my foot. I also needed to get weight off the floor so I could finish the set of exercises. Joe, bleary eyed from having being woken up by a howl, checked and all he could see was a sizable dent in the swelling that is now a constant with my feet.

When I got up, as I can walk a bit, the pain was really bad. But, and idea was forming in my head. Now when someone asks, 'Why are you in a wheelchair?' I can say, truthfully for a couple of days ...

Sports Injury.


  1. Ouch! I hope you didn't break it! I hope lots of people ask you the why question! :-)

  2. Wear it as a badge of honour and make up a spectacular sports injury story that involves pole vaulting or triathlon training :)

  3. Ouch indeed. Hope you didn't do too much damage...

  4. Dear Dave:

    While it will be fun to report to anyone who asks that you have a sports injury, I hope it is of short duration and that your foot is all well very quickly.


  5. Dave, sorry to hear about your foot injury. And just after they had such a lovely day at the beach. :^(

    I had a patch of skin cancer removed from my forehead not so long ago. It required rather a large bandage while healing. When strangers invariably asked me what happened, I merely smirked and replied, "Bar brawl."

    :^) :^)


  6. *Snorts with laughter*

    Love it.

    Hope it heals swiftly!

  7. My Dad dropped something heavy on his foot recently (not sure what it was, some kind of machine for the mechanically inclined). He was carrying too many things while wearing sandals, and something slipped from his hands. It probably broke one toe (he didn't get an X-ray because the treatment is the same for broken versus bruised toes) and bruised the ones beside it. For awhile, he was hobbling around quite a bit, but now he's mostly recovered. And has decided to get steel-toed boots!

  8. Get well soon from your sports injury!

  9. I once knocked a one-pound barbell off a table and onto my bare foot. It probably broke a toe--I taped it up to the toe next to it (which is what they do for a little toe if you were to take it to the emergency room--big toes are supposed to be different though), I hobbled around for a while, and it eventually healed.

    Yeah, not fun. Get well soon!

    Yeah, spell checkers can't feel pain so what do they know about the proper spelling of "ouch"?! :-)

  10. there's something like 7,200 nerve endings in each foot....love your sense of humour! :)

  11. I keep my caregiver close to spot me with my heavier weights..had a few close calls. Sorry you got smacked, but, yeah, now a reason ppl can relate to! HA!

  12. That sounds killer. I hope your foot is better--badge of honour or not! :)

  13. Yup, you forgot you were lifting weights and not practicing shot put is all! Hope it's better soon!


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