Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Photographs of a Propeller

Several have written asking me for photographs of the dance recital. Some have said that they can't imagine what an integrated dance troupe might look like. So today is just a photo album. I don't know the names of all involved so can't give credit where credit is due ...

Yes, that would be Ruby peeking out, she's playing a very curious fish!  

This is from the second dance, as is the one above of Ruby. Mike couldn't take pictures of the first dance he was too moved at seeing Ruby up on stage to get the camera out. He and I agreed that sometimes It's better to live an experience in real time rather than watch it through a tiny screen. The woman in black is one of the teachers, Ximena Puente.

This is Jessie, I wrote about how Jessie welcomed Ruby on her first class. I don't think that without Jessie's encouragement, Ruby would have had the confidence to stay with the group. She's a good teacher and she's an amazingly gifted dancer.

This is Jessie, moving, dancing. We all agree it's one of our favourite dance photographs ever!

See that little girl in the middle, with the orange top and the red flower? That's our Ruby taking her final bow. If you click on these pictures you can see the look on her face.
We owe the wonderful staff of The Propeller Dance Company for the encouragement they gave all the kids
but especially our Ruby!


  1. So many words come to mind looking at Ruby's face - jubilant, victorious, proud, happy...wow! Thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful experience on stage and off. Aren't you glad you were there?!?!? It will be a moment that Ruby (and you) will treasure in your hearts forever.

  2. Thank you so much for posting these photos. Ruby looks absolutely radiant!

  3. thank you for sharing xxoo

  4. There's a whole blog by a professional wheelchair dancer working at an integrated dance company at Wheelchair Dancer. Not all of her posts are about dance, but many are, and she has some pictures as well. Some of her blog posts.

    If you google "wheelchair dancing" you can also find some videos.

    Not a wheelchair dance, but I love this pair of dancers, it's worth looking for other videos of them:
    Dance duet

  5. The photos are brillig! And I love Ruby peaking out! Jessie writes on the Propeller blog (she's working on being more consistent about that) and gives me permission to share 'life with Jessie . . . through transition' at www.dsbutterfly.blogspot.com Come join us!And if you are in Ottawa or want to come to Ottawa, June 1 &2 is Propeller's annual show with 3 pieces by the performing company and a few by the recreational groups. Always an amazing performance! Like no other!

  6. Great pictures! Looks like a wonderful experience. So happy Ruby is enjoying it -

  7. Wonderful! thank you for sharing with us!

  8. bravo.......bravo!!!! so inspiring!!

  9. There are a fair number of integrated dance videos available on youtube, including Full Radius Dance and Axis. Working on editing some new ones now, actually...

  10. Amazing. Takes my breath away. Kudos to the company.

  11. Incredible!!! Thank You so much for the pictures!!!


  12. The photos are fantastic and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing them and the whole Propeller journey.

  13. So cool - what a great thing.

  14. And to think yu may have missed that.....


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