Wednesday, February 08, 2012

A Working Post

Several blog announcements and requests this morning:

1) Vita's new monthly article from the clinical department is done and ready. If you have received one before do not request, you should get it automatically in a day or two. If you have not received one before, send an email requesting it to . This one is written by our nutritionist and it's about 'food' ... particularly understanding the history of how food was handled and used and misused in institutions and the care we have to take in being sensitive to an individuals' past. UPDATE: I have send out to all who have requested in the past, if you don't get one today and you expected you would, email me again. We do not have a means of doing an email list so the system is imperfect.

2) I am doing the February Disability Blog Carnival, the topic is 'love for what makes the world accessible for you ... your wheelchair, your guide dog, your cane, braille, sign language, close captioning ... whatever. I feel affection for my chair, real affection, I want to celebrate the relationships we have with the things that make our world available to us. You can leave the link for you post in the comment section here. I need them by the 10th.

3) Remember the Disability Book Club is coming up soon. March 16th will be the day that we discuss Sebastian Barry's 'The Secret Scripture'. I think it's a remarkable book and a beautiful read. The next book club book is already chosen, so this is going to be a regular, three time a year feature on this blog.

4) I need readers help. I need any media reference you know of to depictions of people with intellectual disabilities who have been tricked into crime or used as 'patsy' to take the fall for others. I have a number but I need more. Any that you have I would really, really appreciate. The more reference information you have would be better. From television, to movies, to books ... anything.

For those expecting more of a blog this morning, I'm sorry. I've discovered that when I put up both a blog announcement and a regular blog the announcement gets kind of lost. So, I've decided, that as I don't do this often, that I'll try to lump the announcements into one and then be done with it for a day. So, see you tomorrow with a regular style post.


  1. Dave,
    This isn't quite what you asked for, but if you visit the on-line version of the Global Disability Rights Library at and click on the "Global Disability Rights Library" portal (at the very top of a list of various other related information portals) ... you will see a list of "folders" to the right side of the page, click on the "plus" sign next to the one that says "Violence." You'll see sub-topics there such as hate crime against people with disabilities, etc. Click on the page you want to see a list of relevant links.

  2. Dave,
    There's an episode of a show called Criminal Minds in which a character with an intellectual disability is tricked by his older brother (who has quadriplegia) to do his serial killing for him. It's a two parter, the first episode called "To Hell" and the second one, "...and Back".

  3. Dave,
    Just wanted to thank you very much for sending the article. It addressed a specific area I had questions about (and lack of knowledge of) for quite some time.
    Thank you again for including me in the mailing and for the wonderful article.

  4. Just posted my entry for the Carnival

  5. Dave, did you know that 1st March is 'International Wheelchair Day'? I know that there are many disabilities and many days to mark, but this year on IWD I too will be posting about my love for my wheels - the freedom and life they give me.

  6. House Rule by Jodi Picoult is kind of like that. A person with a cognitive impairment gets blamed for a crime because those who are investigating cannot be bothered to understand how he processes events.

  7. Let Him Have It (1991)

    "In 1950s England, intellectually disabled Derek Bentley falls in with a group of petty criminals led by Chris Craig, a teenager with a fondness for American gangster films. Chris and Derek's friendship leads to their involvement in the true case which would forever shake England's belief in capital punishment."

  8. Barbaby Rudge - eponymous character is tricked into a leading position in the 18thC Gordon Riots

  9. My Carnival entry:


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