Wednesday, February 15, 2012

'Running' Late

I wasn't able to get my post written last night because of, well, life. This morning I had a choice between using the time I had to write this blog or to do my exercise programme. I'm afraid, and this will shock some, exercise won out. I've been using this Chair Aerobics programme since 2010 and though I can get a little bore with it, I find it still gives me a good total body workout. When I'm bored with it I use the Tai Chi version of the same series. I've managed to develop the skill of doing these exercise without worrying about what I should be doing instead, because I noticed that when I was doing something else, instead of exercising I never worried about not getting the workout done. So ... I chose to lift few weights and move a few reluctant muscles this morning.

And now, all I've got time to do is wish you all a good day - I've got to get organized for work today. So, caio until tomorrow. Use the extra time today to visit some of the blogs on the carnival yesterday. Or, and this might be fun, grab some weights or some soup cans and give yourself a workout.



  1. Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes, I get so tied up with work, family etc I forget to be good to myself. Exercise is one of those things.

  2. Our church has been doing a series on health and in it they mention how we have time for everything else but moving. It is nice to see that you chose to move instead of blogging.

    It is the little things that keep us in shape and moving forward. Congrats on making the right choice.

  3. I'll thank you for the reminder as well. I need to exercise my writing hand for an exam that's coming up, and I even have a ball in my backpack, but I still forget...

  4. Better that "Living life" should win out over writing about it! Hope it was a good day! (Yeah, I'm super behind in my reaDING.....


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