Friday, January 20, 2012

International Day of Mourning and Memory: Update

Today I'm going to interview Dana Mase and I'm really excited by that fact. Her interview will appear on Saturday, if all goes according to plan. I'm telling you now because I have a significant dip in readership on the weekends and I want to invite you to drop in on Saturday. Ms Mase is the woman who's song, 'She Never Knew She Never Knew' appeared on the blog a couple days ago. It fits very well with the theme of 'the International Day of Mourning and Memory' and I'm eager to hear the story behind the song. I've heard from people all over the globe that they will be participating in some way on Monday. There hasn't been much organizing time for this year but I'm gratified that many have seen that the purpose of the day has been embraced by so many. See you Saturday ...

Today's post follows ...

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