Monday, December 26, 2011

A Note from Me

Hello folks!

Here in Canada, it's Boxing Day, and we get another day to relax after the rush of the holidays. So, I'm taking it fairly easy. We have Ruby coming to be with us for a few days, we'll be going to the Nutcracker and doing some other fun stuff. The whole thing is planned out. We're looking forward to her visit like you wouldn't believe, she's a lot of fun to be with.

On another note, I have a favour to ask of you. Rolling Around In My Head has made it into the finals of the Canadian Blog Awards. I am very pleased and thank those of you who voted in the last round. I'm a bit confused about how this works as they'd announced that for the final round, it's possible to vote every day and I haven't found that to be true. But I've written them a note for clarification.

In any event, I'd love it if you could take some time today to vote for this blog, you do not have to be a Canadian to vote. It's up for the two biggest awards, Best Overall and Best Personal. You vote by clicking here and then it's a bit tough to find. There is a list of finalists and it's after that list. You click on the category and then vote.

I'd like you to also consider Belinda's blog which is up for Best Religion and Philosophy blog and Shannon's blog which is up for Best Blog Post. The link to read Shannon's post is there on the site.

I know it takes a few minutes of time to do this and I appreciate that it's a bit of a bother, but, I hesitate to admit, I'd like to see Rolling Around In My Head get an award again this year. I receive a lot of hits and a number of regular readers who find me on their website. So, please and thank you.

See you tomorrow with a regular post!


  1. A BIT difficult!! I guess so. I figured it out, but found I could only vote in one category, not two. So you got one vote for best overall, but when I got to 'best personal', poll daddy blocked another vote. This seems wrong.

  2. Jan, it is difficult. You will be able to vote in the other categories, but you have to leave and go back into the site. It's a real pain, I'm sorry, but thanks for you vote.

  3. Dear Dave, May Rolling Around in My Head soon be rolling down the red carpet!

    Thank you for your plug for Shannon's and my blog too. It's all fun!

    I shall make an announcement on Whatever He Says when the Boxing Day dust settles! :)

  4. Congratulations on making it to the finals! I'm hopping over to vote now...

  5. That's PollDaddy's fault. It's a pretty solid service otherwise. I'd consider switching if there's a better (free) option :)

  6. Lene, good luck to you too. For readers, Lene, who's post I put up here a few days ago is also up for best blog post, take a look.

  7. Dave,
    of course I went there and voted for you. But if I go back now, it is impossible for me to vote again.



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