Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Sunny Day's Choice

I am in a lovely inn in Chelmsford and I've got my computer set up in the breakfast area. Joe is reading the paper across from me, I've come over to write a blog for tomorrow, this blog. But I realize, I've a decision to make.

You see, for some reason my computer can't connect through a wired connection. This inn has wired, but not wireless, so I've got to go over to the main building where they serve meals. The breakfast area, where we are now, is beautiful. The sun is coming in through louvred windows, people next table over are scraping butter on to toast. They are chatting.

We aren't.

Because I'm writing this.

That's the wrong decision, I think.

So, I'm going to leave you, enter an Internetless world for the day. And I'll start with a Twinings green tea flavoured with a hint of cranberry. That will be followed up with a chat with Joe about how we are going to spend our day.

So, I'm choosing him, and tea, and making plans for a sunny day in Essex.


  1. And that is the right decision... have a good day!


  2. Excellent choice. 'Talk' to you tomorrow! Enjoy today.

  3. My psychotherapist would congratulate you on your exercising your attentiveness.

    Have a wonderfull day.


  4. WHHHHHAAATTT!!!??? Choosing JOE, the person who loves, comforts and supports you 24/7 over a bunch of faceless followers....... you MUST be joking!!
    Have fun, we'll be lurking when you get back :)

  5. Good choice, Dave! Hope you and Joe both enjoy the day!

  6. Excellent decision, Dave. Enjoy your day.

  7. Have a lovely day! As a reader from the UK - it is nice to know you are a bit nearer!!! Take care x

  8. I'll just add my voice to the rest: good decision! enjoy!

  9. Good choice. Hope you have a lovely day.

  10. quite right, have a great day


  11. That sounds like the perfect decision! Enjoy.

  12. No way! I was just in Chelmsford too! 8-) I do hope we meet someday. I love your writing!


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