Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Canadian Blog Awards: Please Vote

Hi, I need a favour. Well two favours actually. I've been nominated for the Canadian Blog Awards this year and need your votes ... twice. The first one, now, to determine the finalists, then another in a few weeks to determine the winner. I am nominated in ...

Best Overall
Best Personal

I'd ask you also to consider

Belinda's Blog 'Whatever He Says' which is nominated in ...

Best Religion and Philosophy blog


Shannon's remarkable post which is nominated for ...

Best Blog Post

So pop over to Canadian Blog Awards to do the voting.

I thank you for your support. I'll let you know if I make it to the finals and then I'll ask for one more vote from you.



  1. Done! Good luck!!

  2. Dave, thank you for the generous plug, and for showing me how it's done! :)

  3. Done, done and done! :)

  4. Wendy, thank you, thank you--and thank you! :)


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