Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Ruby

Ruby turned five on Tuesday. Five years old ... which is old enough for her to now say, 'When I was a little girl ...' (I'm not kidding.) Both Joe and I think that the fifth birthday is a very big one - it's the birth of memory. We both remember back to our 5th year here on this planet, and we now know that Ruby will begin to store away bits and pieces of her life for future reference. I hope that the posts from this blog will be fun for her and for her sister when they get older.

Because we thought it was a big birthday, we shopped carefully, picking four very different presents. One from each of the 'four gift groups' of childhood. We wrapped them up, packaged them, and sent them along. We'd talked to her mom and dad who had a terrific day planned for her. They 'home decorated' a cake for her, exactly what she'd like. They planned to take her out of kindergarten at noon to a place where she could paint some pottery and have it put in a kiln and glazed. They organized family stuff with sister and grandparents. They had a special dinner. And, of course, she was sung 'Happy Birthday' several times.

So, at the end of the day, we got a call. Embarrassingly, she was up and we were in bed. Her dad told us all about her day and laughed at stories of what had happened and what she said. Then she came on the phone. And after all the planning, and shopping, and present opening, and singing, and painting, and glazing, and caking, and celebrating ... she came on the phone and said with a huge and excited voice ...


I think there is a life lesson buried in there.


  1. They have so much to teach us, and remind us about ... don't they! Boy, we sure can make things complicated, when the little simple things bring us so much pleasure and delight. I bet she's a real treasure, as her names implies :)

    I remember one of Andrew's first Christmas', and I had bought neat and creative things, and what was he interested in ... the boxes and packaging ... again, it wasn't the cost value of the item, or even the "planning" that went into it ... he just enjoyed the moment.

    Thanks for reminding me to get off of the treadmill and enjoy the moment and the simple things.

    Going to do it now :)
    ~ Elizabeth

  2. Dear Dave:

    Oh too funny! Thanks for the smile.


  3. A friend took her godson (who was about 5) on a trip to Disney world. Back at home he stated that his favorite part of the trip was "the white rocks" (the white marble chips lining some of the walkways).

  4. Bubble wrap is great too! :) Love it, personally. :)

  5. Happy Birthday to Ruby! Stories of her always bring a huge smile to my face. How true that 5 is "the birth of memory" - what a great way to describe it.

  6. Reminds me of a trip the kids and I took to visit my sister. We visited museums and parks, went on adventures, tried new things... my daughters favorite part.... going to the dollar store! She was 5 too at the time.

    Happy Birthday Ruby! Enjoy being 5!It is a magical time!

  7. Happy Birthday Ruby! Thanks for the story Dave.

  8. When my son was little, we bought him a big expensive stuffed toy. He played everyday... with the box. He loved that box. The stuffed toy not so much.


  9. Ahhh the simple things in life...Happy Belated Birthday Ruby. Thanks for sharing Dave and like many others...LOVE Ruby stories :)

  10. Happy Birthday to a truly beautiful girl!


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