Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Poor Hugh

I had picked up a couple sets of bunny ears, all soft and fuzzy, for Ruby and Sadie. As we were preparing to package them up to send them off to the kids, I was struck by a bit of whimsy. (I probably shouldn't be telling you this!) So I put them on and slipped my house coat off. I snuck, naked except for fuzzy bunny ears, around the corner to look at myself in the mirror.

The sight struck me very, very, funny.

I started to laugh.

Now I was shaking, belly and arse jiggling like apoplectic jello.

This led to that horrid, uncontrollable, s'not sound we make when s'not laughing, s'not crying but there's certainly snot involved.

This is when Joe walked in from shopping.

He looked at me.

Naked, in bunny ears.

Normally Joe laughs at everything. He's easily amused.

This time though he just looked at me, deadpan, and said, 'And all Hugh Hefner gets is a mansion.'


  1. Bwahahahahahahaha...thanks for the giggle.

  2. Too funny - Joe has a way with words!

  3. Joe is awesome!


  4. ROFL! Now I am sitting in my office cubicle, laughing at things I don't think I should be imagining in my head! I don't think I will ever look at easter bunny ears the same way again!

  5. Love it! Thanks for the laugh.


  6. LOL
    Deadpan humor is the best

  7. Princeton Posse13 April 2011 at 12:14

    Oh, the imagination soars! Too funny Dave, got to get myself some bunny ears!

  8. OMG!!! SOOOO Funny! I'm sitting in my office giggling hard enought to be jiggling myself. I've got tears running out of my eyes.

    Oh Man. I needed that. Thank you and Joe for the laugh. Fabulous.

    giggle giggle giggle...........


  9. So funny, love this! I seriously think you and Joe should do an Easter card with a photo of you both naked in bunny ears, maybe with strategically-placed furniture or easter baskets or something to keep them family-friendly.

  10. Clearly Joe's sweetie and my sweetie have the same awful sense of humor. Er, I mean, humour. ;-)

  11. Dear Dave:

    Thanks for the laugh - I do not think I will ever think of the Easter Bunny in quite the same way. Love Joe's sense of humour!


  12. That is TOO funny! I don't think I'd be brave enough to look at myself in a mirror with only bunny ears on, but I promise you if someone gives me bunny ears I'll do it Good for you!

  13. I think this might be the bravest post I've read on here ;)

    I am very glad you didn't include photographic evidence, the imagination does you enough justice lol
    btw <3 Joe's sense of humour.

  14. WOW - thanks for such a great visual image to start my day!
    Thanks for the image, and the smiles, and for sharing a glimpse into "dave and joe." I've been with my husband for over 30 years, and we can still get each other laughing at the craziest stuff. when the going is rough, the giggles from our versions of 'bunny ears' are the glue that keeps us together.

  15. Doing the laughing and crying along with the snort thing here....the Easter Bunny has just take on a new visual ......thanks so much for the laugh and the jiggle :) And I agree very brave post......Absolutely love you both!!!

  16. Priceless!

    Thank you so much for that!


  17. This post had me in tears from laughing so hard :) Thank you so much for being so honest and forthcoming with your life stories, they sure make me smile :)

  18. That is too funny!! Loved this post and love your and Joe's sense of humour!!!


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