Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Book Club Information

How The Book Club Works!

Note: Today's post follows, tomorrow's will appear just after midnight.

I was so excited about doing another book club that I never explained how it works. Some have emailed asking for details. Well ... here's how it works.

1) Buy the book.
2) Read the book.
3) On the appointed day - Sometime first week of June - date will be posted soon - either write a post about it and link to Rolling around in My head, or write a review in the comment section.
4) Pop around to various blogs and see what everyone else thinks!

See it's as simple as ... 1 ... 2 ... 3! Oh, and ... 4.

1 comment:

  1. Handily the Amazon site allows you to read the first couple of chapters before you buy, I'm now fascinated and I'll have to get it :)


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