Thursday, March 31, 2011


A Note From The Blog Administrator (Dave):

A while ago I mentioned that I would change the blog look every month. I've found that I get several comments about the blog. Some find white print on black backrgounds hard to read, some find black print on white backgrounds hard to read. Some like really bright backgrounds, some prefer darker somber ones - and they like them for reasons more personal and substantial than 'that's pretty' 'that's not'. All have legitimate reasons for their requests. I do not believe that I can actually do a blog that is designed with absolute universal appeal and meet all needs of all people with disabilities. Therefore I decided on monthly change. That way hopefully I get all of the people some of the time. I appreciate the feedback you give me, I just hope that you appreciate that, if you don't like it right now, wait a few weeks and it will change. Even the change thing is a solution that doesn't work for all - I have some readers who get very upset with change and would prefer to have me leave it the same all the time. For these readers I have an agreement that I email them two days before the change so they are prepared. That has seemed to work.

One reader had the solution of simply coming on to the site, highlighting and copying the text and then pasting it into another background on their computer that was more friendly to their needs. I liked the creativity and the problem solving done there. So maybe if it's a bad month for you, design wise, you can figure a solution and share it.

Be patient. I'm trying my best to meet all needs.

Today post follows, tomorrows post will appear at just after midnight.



  1. Hi Dave, I seldom actually visit your blog itself as I use Google Reader for all of the blogs I follow. That way, my Google Reader is set up for my particular vision abilities. The only time I actually need to visit the site is to comment on a post. :)

    Just thought I would mention my solution in case someone else might find it a useful solution as well.

  2. HEy Dave, I reed a lot of disAbility blogs and no one gets the shitt you get for what it looks like. I do not know why. But thanks for trying to get everyone happy.

  3. I love the bright, joyful colors currently in the background.

  4. Anonymous,

    I hope I didn't come off as upset about the feedback, I'm not. I'm glad people feel free to talk to me about the blog - feedback is good. I just wanted to honour the feedback by explaining what I was doing. I don't feel like anyone gave me 'shit' by expressing opinions. Maybe I didn't make that clear enough, sorry.

  5. Some of your readers might be interested in Readable - it's a bookmark that allows the reader to just focus on the text on a webpage, and you can change how it looks eg font type and size, dark on light or vice versa etc. If people google Readable, they should find it easily enough.
    And I like the current look - lovely colours!

  6. sorry, I meant bookmarklet!

  7. I enjoy the change, and I've liked the designs I've seen so far.

  8. I gotta say I'm with Anonymous. I think it's quite hilarious how invested some readers can be in the appearance and administration of Your blog.

  9. I receive the blog as an RSS feed through windows live e-mail. It comes through with just the text as any other e-mail. I have an option to "view online" if I want to read comments or post a comment. This is another option for those not able to tolerate the background colors or font. :)


Thank you for your comment. Disagreement with the blog post and heated debate about issues raised are welcome. However, comments which personally attack or bully another or comments which are not relevant to the blog post or the blog theme may be removed.