Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quick Announcement

Rolling Around In My Head has made it to the finals in two of the upcoming Canadian Weblog Awards. The blog is up for the Health and Wellness Award and the Social Justice Award. This award is different in that it is a juried award and therefore not decided by popular vote. I am very honoured to have been nominated and thrilled to make it to the final five. Will wait with anticipation to see the results.

I'd like to congratulate the other blogs nominated in these two categories and all the others as well. Blogging is clearly alive and well in Canada. I'd like to mention particularly Belinda nominated in the Faith category for her blog, Whatever He Says and Shannon nominated for the Crafting category.

So, here we go again!


  1. congratulations on the nominations Dave!

  2. Congratulations Dave and thank you for pulling me onto this star dusted trail. :)


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