Tuesday, November 16, 2010

not much of a blog today

I'm a little tired when I get in the car. I love the travel and the lecturing and the opportunity to meet people and share ideas, I do. But after several days of talking, telling stories and answering questions, I begin to feel tired. Sitting in the car we prepare for the drive. We expect traffic, we've been told to expect fairly slow going. We expect problems of some kind with the hotel, they come with the territory. We expect the evening drive to be ... more work.


The traffic flows smoothly. The round abouts move traffic smoothly and quickly. Drivers seem to be in a giving mood and people merge rather than compete for space. We get where we are going quickly.

There's lots of disabled parking at the hotel. We pull into a space and roll into the hotel. The man on the desk looks up and says, 'Mr. Hingsburger, welcome back!' We haven't been here for a couple of years so this surprises me. He tells me that we're in the room we were in last time, the one we liked so much. Seconds later we have our key.

The porter is immediately available and our luggage is suddenly plopped in our room and within a few minutes we are settled. I try the wireless and, as we are on the first floor we can link on to easily. I quickly check my blog.

Taking a breath I check my email. There are only four from work, two about upcoming lectures. I've got it all done quickly. I'm able to sign off and crawl on the bed to lie down and watch television. There's a good mystery on.

I was really tired.

I needed life to be kind.

Things that I wouldn't notice otherwise became important. Things that I remember, simply because I needed them, to be grateful for. And I was. And am.

Now, it's time for a long nap, g'night.


  1. Glad everything worked out. We all need days when it looks like someone is watching over us. May they continue to do so for your whole journey

  2. Enjoy your rest!

  3. It's wonderful to have the freedom not to post anything once in a while. It doesn't hurt us to wait for a day or two! Or three. After that I would start worrying.

  4. Yo Belinda, it may not have been MUCH of a post but it WAS a post!! Yikes.

  5. I've often wondered how you cope with all the travelling and the stresses of being on the road. It must be absolutely exhausting! Glad that you take that down time when you get the chance, and that sometimes the planets align in just the right way to make it possible. And as Belinda said, it's okay to take a break now and then. We'd miss you, of course, but we'll still be here when you surface again. Safe journeys!

  6. Ahhhh... sounds like just what you needed...isn't it wonderful when everything just flows as you wish or hope it too....what a sense of just plain ahhhhh. You know Dave it does not matter what you write about it is always a great read and very well done. Thanks again for sharing....safe travels

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