Sunday, October 17, 2010

Getting the Vote Out

Today is the last day of voting for in the 'first round' ... I'll have to bug you again when the final round of voting is upon us. I've moved up this post to gently remind you to vote if you not yet voted.

Well, it's time for awards season. This year there are two Canadian Blog Awards, the first of which is a 'popular vote' award. In this one readers of blogs go and vote in various categories. I'm here to ask if you'll vote for Rolling Around in My Head which is nominated in three categories: best blog, health and personal. Too, regular readers will be familiar with niece Shannon who has been nominated for best Family blog for Half Soled Boots; too there'sBelinda who writes a faith blog, Whatever He Says, which is nominated for Best Religion or Philosophy blog and, of course theres Mike who has been nominated for Best Creative Arts blog for Shoot First. Too vote just visit Canadian Blog Awards to vote. You'll have to scroll a bit to find where to vote but it's there.

I'll admit, I'd like to make the next round so if you've got the time and the inclination, your vote would be terrific. I've already voted for Shan, Belinda and Mike ... join me there too if you can.

Thanks all.


  1. Done - my week would be much poorer without you and the Yarn Harlot :)

  2. Happy to vote for each of the blogs mentioned, and three times for yours. Best of luck to everyone!

  3. Done, been a pleasure to assit. Good Luck


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