Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Exciting Announcement!!

Hello Readers,

As a result of the post entitled, Ruby's Smile, wherein I spoke about a 2 year series of articles on teaching children with disabilities skills. (Right now we are working on the 10 skills you kid needs to learn in order to develop friendships.) I recieved an email from Exceptional Family and they have decided to offer blog readers a 5$ discount on a year subscription if you identify yourself to the subscription people. Here is the email I received:

Hi Dave!

Thanks so much for positively promoting Exceptional Family magazine! We are obviously very proud of our publication, and are always happy when we have the chance to meet new people are share the word about our work.

As gesture of thanks, we’d like to offer your readers a discount on a yearly subscription to Exceptional Family (which would bring down the very affordable price from 20$ per year, to just 15$). Please just write to me to identify yourself at juliek@miriamfoundation.ca (this is the correct address, sorry about the one from before!)

Julie Klucinskas

Marketing Manager

How cool is that!?!


  1. I'm in. And ordering a gift subscription for my daughter and her family, too. Thanks, Dave!

  2. I'm anony. from U.S. I'm all in! Thanx dave!

  3. Dave, that email address no worky! Help! :)

  4. Hey, Susan, I've written them and will fix as soon as possible. Dave

  5. Hi folks, the right address is ...


    Thanks for Hawk Eye Susan and for Exceptional Family for getting right back to me.

  6. I am really Glad i found this web site.Added davehingsburger.blogspot.com to my bookmark!


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