Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Breaking News: Fox News

I have just given permission for my blog post The People Who Are will be up on the Fox News Site tomorrow. Now, here's the thing. They may change their minds, I don't know for certain. They just said that it will probably be there tomorrow. To see if they decided to post it and the reaction it gets, go to the site and then click the Opinion button.

See you tomorrow with a new blog post on inclusion.


  1. As of 9:42 pm EST (US/Canada East coast time) on Aug 31, I don't see it there -- but I'll check in the morning! Congrats!

  2. Wow - that is fantastic! You are making a BIG difference. :)

  3. That will be huge! Way to go! Even if it doesn't get posted, it has still had a big impact.

  4. It's a very well-written post, the best thing I have read on this topic. Speaking as a parent of a child with Down Syndrome, I think many of us have a knee-jerk reaction to the "R" word, but your post beautifully explains the history of the unjust treatment of individuals with cognitive disability and WHY this label is problematic. Thank you. I am quite certain you are prepared to deal with the sorts of comments you may get from Fox News readers...

  5. It's there, Dave. Way to go!

  6. Congrats......will be interesting to see what response you get.

  7. I am glad that a wider range of people are noticing your fantastic writing. Right now your post on fox has about 14 comments. I was surprised at the supportive comments and fully expecting the comments from people who think that being hurtful and cruel is their first amendment right. Great writing Dave!

  8. I just popped over to Fox and read some of the comments (only got through 5 before I couldn't go any further). I just want to say that your post has genuinely made a difference in me (a student in California) and I am even voicing my distaste for such language with my friends. It is too bad that most of the people who read FOX news aren't exactly open to different opinions and don't care how they hurt others. Don't let them bring you down!

  9. It's under "opinion".


    Sadly the comments are full of the usual jerkwads who fill up any news website - heck, these days, most any website.

    "Hey! Look at me! I'm a troll! I want attention! I think it's fun to intentionally say mean things and insult people because it makes them mad and then I get attention.

    What, you want to cry that I offended you? But I was only trying to have a conversation here!"


  10. Reading the comments on the Fox site makes me so sad and makes me feel like there is no hope. People don't care. People enjoy being hurtful. People enjoy being ignorant. It makes me want to give up.

  11. I am SHOCKED at the strength of people's negative reactions to your post! I mean I understand that people don't want to think of themselves as disrespecting a group of people, and don't want to have to change how they think or act but REALLY! I'm stunned. I thought we'd come a long way in this issue. I'm hopeful that the majority agree with your post, but don't access Fox News Site. I can hope, right?

  12. I'm shocked and chilled by some of the responses, but I suppose I shouldn't be. There is an element in society that is just ignorant and cruel, whatever group of people they happen to be targeting at a given moment. This is when I would like to plonk them into an episode of that old T.V. program The Twilight Zone, and have them live as someone with any kind of label for a few days.

  13. It was still up on Sept 2 at a few minutes before 1 a.m. Eastern time ... and looking great!


    ... and thanks, once again, for the compelling, beautiful, heartfelt, impactful writing.

  14. Hi Dave,

    I'm new here. It's nice to "meet" you.

    I just read your Fox piece on the R Word. It's awesome. I belong to the "Spread the Word to End the Word" group on Facebook and I just posted your Fox article link on my Facebook wall and tagged that group for anyone who wants more information on the official campaign to end the use of the R word.

    I have blogged about this campaign in the past. Thank you for writing about this important topic.


    P.S. I didn't bother reading the Fox comments to your article. Based on the comments above here, it sounds like I made the right choice. I don't need to read that garbage.

  15. Just came back here to grab your old post for use in my blog and saw this...so what happened? did you get on Fox or not?


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