Monday, May 17, 2010

We Have A Winner

Several weeks ago, I announced a contest here on Rolling Around In My Head. I was looking for ideas for a book cover, the book is about providing safety in service to people with disabilities. Several of you came in with suggestions. I sent all those suggestions to Mike who designs all our book covers. After several stops and starts, he came up with a wonderful cover. That it happens to be a co-production of father and daughter makes it even better. The prize was going to go to the person who's idea was used.

After looking at them it came down to two, we voted and decided that Sarah's suggestion of a cup of tea was the closest to the final design. So Sarah, the book will be delived fairly shortly now, so if you could please send us your address, you'll get an autographed copy of the book.

I found as I was sitting down to write today that I'm still grieving the loss of our friend Phyllis so I'm going to let this announcement do for the blog today. Thanks to all who came up with ideas and congratulations to Sarah for winning the book.

Expect a full blog tomorrow.


  1. I love the cover. Congratulations Sarah!!

    And Dave, taking time to grieve and process is so necessary. Life doesn't just go on. Losing someone so precious feels like a punch in the stomach and leaves us reeling.

  2. What a great cover. Congrats Sarah on your contribution.

    And, Dave, grief doesn't follow a timeline. Take all the time you need.

  3. Dear Dave:

    I love the book cover!

    Dave and Joe, please accept my condolences on the death of your friend Phyllis. She sounds like she was a wonderful friend and role model. You and Joe take good care of each other, grieving is hard work.

  4. I love the book cover hehe ... mike

  5. Dear Dave,
    I am sorry for your loss and pain. I am so glad you have each other to support thorugh this.

    Where can we purchase the book?

  6. The cover is beautiful but it looks like the cover of a book about protecting the safety of children--is this a book about adults too?

  7. furtivepatch: the book is about supporting and serving adults safely.

  8. Dave,
    I'm so excited and very flattered that you liked anything remotely related to my suggestion.
    I have sent you an email about a week and a half ago, but wasn't sure you had gotten it. Is there some way for you to confirm receipt of my address?

  9. Sarah, could you please send again?

  10. I've sent it again, this time from a different address ( Let me know when you get it.


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