Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Tiny Story

It lasted only for a few seconds. We came out into the parking lot and headed for the car, it was time to begin the journey home. We decided that I'd roll to the car rather than have Joe drive over to where I was sitting. It wasn't far and there wasn't much in the way of snow or ice. Joe held on the to the back of my chair while I pushed. He said that he wanted to make sure I didn't slip, I think he was using the chair as a walker to protect against an icy fall, such is the way of couples - each living the same experience, each with a different story to tell.

Anyays, I hit a patch of ice and because we were on a slight downward slope and because Joe wore shoes without too much grip, we began to slide, me in my chair, him holding desperately on behind me. I filled with fear, the kind of delightful 'I know that this could end disasterously but it's still wildly fun' kind of fear. As such, I began to laugh, this set Joe off and he started laughing too.

We may have only slid four or five feet but it seemed that we were sliding forever. When we came to a stop, a graceful one at that, we noticed that a couple of boys had stopped to watch. I looked over to them and said, 'That was fun.' The one nearest us said, 'You get to ride in that chair all the time?' I nodded.

'Awesome,' he said.

'Awesome,' I agreed.

He was off.

In a moment, so were we.


  1. Snow boarding and rollerblading all in one! :)

  2. "I filled with fear, the kind of delightful 'I know that this could end disasterously but it's still wildly fun' kind of fear" It sounds like you are describing a roller coaster. How cool that boy reacted that way.

  3. Wheel chairs can be quite fun. After my open-heart surgery, I wasn't allowed to walk around, but I could ride in a wheel chair. At first my spirits were down, because I couldn't run and play and because I hurt so much. But a nurse taught me how fun a wheel chair could be and made it all so much better. He'd take me up and down the halls and when nobody was looking we'd pop wheelies and go fast. He taught me that my limitations didn't mean I couldn't play.

    My time in a wheel chair was limited, though when I started walking and was so slow I longed for the wheel chair. I moved on and got better. My heart got strong -- and I'm fifteen years beyond my "death sentence" because of what I endured then.

    That experienced shaped me and has helped me ensure my children, whatever their struggles, always have time for play. I know how much I needed that, and I've never let anyone tell me my kids don't.

    Thanks for bringing up a happy memory!

  4. I do SO love what comes out of the mouths of babes...

    Word verification is reckfism -- what happens when you get into an accident.

  5. I find kids lately are more accepting of those that use assistive devices or have a disability. There is a child in my daughter's classroom that uses a wheelchair and has a severe disability. The kids don't think twice about it or even see the wheelchair. They think of ways to play with him all the time. They always make sure he participates in some way with whatever game they are playing.


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